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§ 222.15 Written testimony on the merits.

(a) Timing. After the close of discovery and by the times specified within the scheduling order, any party asserting a claim or counterclaim shall file written direct testimony in support of that claim or counterclaim. Any party responding to a claim or counterclaim shall file written response testimony within 45 days following the date of service of written direct testimony. Any party who asserted a claim or counterclaim may file written reply testimony within 21 days following the date of service of written response testimony. All written testimony shall be uploaded to eCCB.

(b) Direct and response testimony. Written direct and response testimony shall consist of documentary evidence and a party statement, and may include witness statements.

(1) Documentary evidence.

(i) Documentary evidence must be accompanied by a statement that lists each submitted document and provides a brief description of each document and how it bears on a claim or counterclaim; and

(ii) Except when testimony is submitted pursuant to § 227.2 or § 227.4 of this subchapter, direct or response documentary evidence shall only include documents that were served on opposing parties pursuant to the scheduling order, absent leave from the Board, which shall be granted only for good cause.

(2) Witness statements. A witness statement must—

(i) Be sworn under penalty of perjury by the witness;

(ii) Be detailed as to the substance of the witness's knowledge and must be organized into numbered paragraphs; and

(iii) Contain only factual information based on the witness's personal knowledge and may not contain legal argument.

(3) Party statement. A party statement—

(i) Shall set forth the party's position as to the key facts and damages, as well as any position as to the law;

(ii) Need not have a table of contents or authorities;

(iii) Shall be limited to 12 pages, other than any optional table of contents or authorities, and shall meet the requirements set forth in § 220.5(b) of this subchapter;

(iv) For a claimant or counterclaimant seeking damages for copyright infringement, shall include a statement as to whether the party is electing to seek statutory damages or actual damages and any profits. Alternatively, at any stage of the proceedings, either before or after the submission of written testimony, a claimant or counterclaimant may submit a statement following the procedures set forth in § 220.5(a)(1) of this subchapter indicating the election of the form of damages. This election may be changed at any time up until final determination by the Board; and

(v) For a respondent or counterclaim respondent, may include a statement as to whether, if found liable on a claim or counterclaim, the party would voluntarily agree to an order to cease or mitigate any unlawful activity. Such an election must be made, or changed if made earlier, no later than the filing of the respondent's or counterclaim respondent's party statement, or at a hearing if one is ordered by the Board. Such an election may be considered in appropriate cases by the Board in determining an amount of damages, if any, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 1504. Such a statement will not be considered by the Board in any way in making its determination as to liability, and shall be considered only as to damages.

(c) Reply testimony. Written reply testimony must be limited to addressing or rebutting specific evidence set forth in written response testimony. Written reply testimony may consist of documentary evidence, witness statements, and a party statement as set forth in this paragraph (c).

(1) Documentary evidence. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, documentary evidence presented by a party as part of written reply testimony must be limited to documentary evidence required to contradict or rebut specific evidence that was presented in an opposing party's written response testimony and shall not include any documentary evidence previously presented as part of the submitting party's direct testimony.

(2) Witness statements. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a reply witness statement must be limited to facts not previously included in that witness's prior statement, and must be limited to facts that contradict or rebut specific evidence that was presented in an opposing party's written response testimony.

(3) Party statement. A party statement in reply must be limited to rebutting or addressing an opposing party's written response testimony and may not include any discussion of the facts, the law, or damages that was included in that party's direct party statement. A reply party statement shall meet the requirements set forth in § 220.5(b) of this subchapter and must be limited to seven pages.

(d) Certification. All written testimony submitted to the Board must include a certification by the party submitting such testimony that it is accurate and truthful.

(e) Request for hearing. Any party may include in a party statement a request for a hearing on the merits before the Board, consistent with § 222.16.

(f) No additional filing. Following filing of any written reply testimony, no further written testimony or evidence may be submitted to the Board, unless at the specific request of the Board or with the Board's leave, or as appropriate at a hearing on the merits ordered by the Board.

[87 FR 30077, May 17, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 77520, Dec. 19, 2022]

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/24/2025