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§ 222.16 Hearings.

(a) Timing. In any action, the Board may hold a hearing following submission of each party's written direct, response, and reply testimony if it determines that such a hearing is appropriate or advisable. The Board may decide to hold a hearing on its own initiative or after consideration of a request for a hearing from any party.

(b) Virtual hearings. All hearings shall be held virtually and may be recorded as deemed necessary by the Board.

(c) Requesting a hearing. A request for a hearing on the merits of a case may be included in a party statement, pursuant to § 222.15(e), but may also be submitted following the procedures set forth in § 220.5(a)(1) of this subchapter no later than 7 days after the date by which reply testimony may be submitted under § 222.15(a). The Board, in its sole discretion, shall choose whether to hold a hearing, and may elect to hold a hearing absent a request from a party.

(d) Content of request. Any request in a party statement for a hearing on the merits of a case shall consist of a short statement providing the reasons why the party believes the request should be granted.

(e) Scheduling order. When the Board determines that a hearing on the merits of a case is appropriate, it will issue an amended scheduling order setting forth the date of the hearing and deadlines for any additional evidence requested by the Board or for a pre-hearing conference, if applicable.

(f) Close of evidence. Following a hearing on the merits of a case, no additional written testimony or evidence may be submitted to the Board unless at the Board's specific request or with leave of the Board for good cause shown.

[87 FR 30077, May 17, 2022]

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/24/2025