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§ 227.1 Failure by respondent or counterclaim respondent to appear or participate in proceeding.

(a) Notice of missed deadline or requirement. If a respondent or counterclaim respondent fails to file a response or fails, without justifiable cause, to meet any filing deadline or other requirement set forth in the scheduling order or other order, upon notice of a party or by its own initiative, the Copyright Claims Board (Board) may issue a notice to the respondent or counterclaim respondent following the missed deadline or requirement. Requests to issue a notice regarding a missed deadline or requirement and any responses thereto shall follow the procedures set forth in § 220.5(a)(1) of this subchapter.

(b) Contents of default notice

(1) First default notice. A notice issued under this section shall inform the respondent or counterclaim respondent that failure to participate in the proceeding may result in the Board entering a default determination against the respondent or counterclaim respondent, including dismissal of any counterclaims asserted by the defaulting respondent, and shall explain the legal effects of a default determination. The notice shall provide the respondent or counterclaim respondent with 30 days from the date of the notice to cure the missed deadline or requirement. The notice shall be issued to the respondent or counterclaim respondent through eCCB, as well as by mail and all known email addresses.

(2) Second default notice. If the respondent or counterclaim respondent has failed to respond within 15 days after the first notice of the pendency of the default determination, the Board shall send a second notice to the respondent or counterclaim respondent according to the procedures set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Such notice shall attach the first notice and shall remind the respondent or counterclaim respondent that it must cure the missed deadline or requirement within 30 days from the date of the first notice.

(c) Response to notice. If the respondent or counterclaim respondent cures the missed deadline or requirement within the time specified by the notice, the proceeding shall resume and the Board shall issue a revised scheduling order, if necessary. If the respondent or counterclaim respondent fails to timely cure but submits a response that indicates an intent to re-engage with the proceeding pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 220.5(a)(1) of this subchapter, the Board shall consider the response and either provide the respondent or counterclaim respondent with additional time to meet the deadline or proceed with the default determination process. If the respondent or counterclaim respondent fails to cure the missed deadline or requirement within the time specified by the notice and does not otherwise respond to the notice, the Board shall require the claimant or counterclaimant to submit evidence in support of a default determination, as set forth in § 227.2.

(d) Multiple missed deadlines. A respondent or counterclaim respondent may cure a missed deadline according to the procedure set forth in this section at least twice without default being issued. If the respondent or counterclaim respondent misses a third deadline in the scheduling order without good cause, the Board may, in its discretion, proceed directly to requiring submission of evidence to proceed with a default determination as set forth in § 227.2.

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/24/2025