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§ 223.2 Libraries and archives opt-out procedures.

(a) Opt-out notification.

(1) A library or archives that wishes to preemptively opt out of participating in Copyright Claims Board (“Board”) proceedings under 17 U.S.C. 1506(aa) may do so by submitting written notification to the Board. The notification shall include a signed certification under penalty of perjury that the library or archives qualifies for the limitations on exclusive rights under 17 U.S.C. 108 and the signatory is authorized to submit the form on the library's or archives' behalf.

(2) The submission described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall list the name and physical address of each library or archives to which the preemptive opt out applies and shall be signed by a person with the authority described in paragraph (c) of this section. The library or archives must also provide a point of contact for future correspondence, including phone number, mailing address, email address, and the website for the library or archives, if available, and shall notify the Board if this information changes.

(3) The Board will accept the facts stated in the submission described in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, unless they are implausible or conflict with sources of information that are known to the Board or the general public.

(4) If a Federal court determines that an entity described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not qualify for the limitations on exclusive rights under 17 U.S.C. 108, that entity must inform the Board of that determination and submit a copy of the relevant order or opinion, if any, within 14 days after the determination is issued.

(5) An opt-out under this section extends to a library's or archives' employee acting within the scope of their employment, but does not apply to employees acting outside the scope of their employment.

(6) For the purposes of this section, the date that the Board posts the opt-out information on its website as described in paragraph (b) in this section, after receipt, review, and processing of the notification described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, will be the effective date of a preemptive opt-out election, except as noted in paragraph (a)(9) of this section. A preemptive opt-out election would not compel dismissal of a claim that the Board has found compliant and has instructed the claimant to serve prior to the preemptive opt-out election's effective date. A respondent who wishes to opt out of such a claim should follow the directions provided in the served notice of proceeding.

(7) A library or archives may rescind its preemptive opt-out election under this section, such that it may participate in Board proceedings, by providing written notification to the Board in accordance with such instructions as are provided on the Board's website. A library or archives may submit no more than one such rescission notification per calendar year.

(8) The notification described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall be submitted to the Board in accordance with such instructions as are provided on the Board's website.

(9) A blanket opt-out filed by a library or archives in accordance with this section before April 8, 2022 will become effective on that date.

(b) Review of eligibility.

(1) The Board will maintain on its website a public list of libraries and archives that have preemptively opted out of Board proceedings pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. If the Register determines pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section that an entity does not qualify for the preemptive opt-out provision, the Office will communicate to the point of contact described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section that it does not intend to add the entity to the public list, or that it intends to remove the entity from that list, and will allow the entity to provide evidence supporting its qualification for the exemption within 30 days. If the entity fails to respond, or if, after reviewing the entity's response, the Register determines that the entity does not qualify for the limitations on exclusive rights under section 108 of title 17, the entity will not be added to, or will be removed from, the public list. If the Register determines that the entity qualifies for the limitations on exclusive rights under 17 U.S.C. 108, the entity will be added to, or remain on, the libraries and archives preemptive opt-out list. This provision does not limit the Office's ability to request additional information from the point of contact listed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Any determination by the Register regarding an entity's qualifying status for the limitations on exclusive rights under 17 U.S.C. 108 is solely for the purpose of determining whether the entity qualifies for the preemptive opt out under 17 U.S.C. 1506(aa) and does not constitute a legal conclusion for any other purpose.

(2) A claimant seeking to assert a claim under this section against a library or archives, or an employee thereof acting within the scope of their employment, that it believes is improperly included on the public list described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section may file the claim with the Board pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 1506(e) and applicable regulations. The claimant must include in its statement of material facts allegations sufficient to support that belief. If the Board concludes, as part of its review of the claim pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 1506(f), that the claimant has alleged facts sufficient to support the conclusion that the library or archives is ineligible for the preemptive opt-out, and the Register agrees, the library or archives will be given an opportunity to provide evidence supporting its qualification for the exemption pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the Register concludes that evidence submitted by the library or archives supports its qualification for the exemption, the library or archives will remain on the list and the associated allegations by the claimant will be stricken. After these allegations are stricken, if the claim includes other respondents and is otherwise complaint, the claimant will be instructed to proceed with service of the claim against the remaining respondents. Alternatively, if the Register concludes that the library or archives has not provided evidence to support its qualification for the exemption, the library or archives will be removed from the blanket opt-out list. The claim will then be reviewed for compliance and, if found to be compliant, the claimant will be instructed to proceed with service of the claim.

(3) Any determination made under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall constitute final agency action under 5 U.S.C. 704.

(c) Authority. Any person with the authority to take legally binding actions on behalf of a library or archives in connection with litigation may submit a notification under paragraph (a) of this section.

(d) Multiple libraries and archives in a single submission. A notification under paragraph (a) of this section may include multiple libraries or archives in the same submission if each library or archives is listed separately in the submission and the submitter has the authority described under paragraph (c) of this section to submit the notification on behalf of all libraries and archives included in the submission.

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/24/2025