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§ 210.30 Transfers of copyright ownership, royalty payee changes, and related disputes.

(a) General. This section prescribes rules governing the mechanical licensing collective's administration of transfers of copyright ownership, other royalty payee changes, and related disputes.

(b) Requirements for the mechanical licensing collective to implement a change. The mechanical licensing collective shall not take any action to implement or give effect to any transfer of copyright ownership (including a transfer resulting from an effective termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304) or other change to a royalty payee, unless the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section are satisfied or the mechanical licensing collective is acting in connection with the resolution of a dispute. Where the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section are satisfied, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to such transfer or other change in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Notices of change. The mechanical licensing collective must be appropriately notified in writing with respect to any transfer or other change described in paragraph (b) of this section. Subject to the further requirements of this paragraph (c), such notice must comply with any reasonable formatting and submission requirements that the mechanical licensing collective establishes and makes publicly available on its website. No fee may be charged for submitting such a notice. Upon submitting such a notice, or any additional information related to such notice, the submitter shall be provided with a prompt response from the mechanical licensing collective confirming receipt of the notice, or any additional information related to such notice, and the date of receipt.



(A) Subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, for any transfer or other payee change not addressed by paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the mechanical licensing collective shall be notified of such transfer or payee change in accordance with any reasonable requirements that the mechanical licensing collective establishes and makes publicly available on its website.

(B) If such requirements are not publicly available on the mechanical licensing collective's website as of July 9, 2024, the mechanical licensing collective shall adopt such requirements and make them available as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than September 9, 2024, unless the Copyright Office allows for an extension in its discretion. The mechanical licensing collective shall make such requirements publicly available on its website at least 30 calendar days before such requirements become effective.

(C) The mechanical licensing collective shall make any amendment to such requirements publicly available on its website at least 30 calendar days before such amendment becomes effective, unless the mechanical licensing collective can articulate good cause for not providing such advanced notice. In no case shall an amendment be effective before being published on the mechanical licensing collective's website.

(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, any notice seeking to change the royalty payee from a terminating party (or its designee) to a corresponding pre-termination copyright owner (or its designee) is subject to the following additional requirements:

(A) The notice must be signed after the effective date of termination.

(B) The notice must set forth in plain language an acknowledgement that the requested action alters the royalty payee from that established by § 210.29(b)(4)(i).

(2) Specific requirements for notices about transfers of copyright ownership resulting from an effective termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304 are as follows:

(i) The required notice shall include all of the following information:

(A) A true, correct, complete, and legible copy of the signed and as-served notice of termination submitted to the Copyright Office for recordation pursuant to § 201.10.

(B) A true, correct, complete, and legible copy of the statement of service submitted to the Copyright Office for recordation pursuant to § 201.10, if one was submitted.

(C) Either:

(1) Proof, as to a particular musical work, that the notice of termination was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination. Where the notice of termination identifies more than one musical work, each musical work shall be treated independently; or

(2) If the Copyright Office has not yet recorded the notice of termination, proof, as to a particular musical work, that the notice of termination was submitted to the Copyright Office for recordation before the effective date of termination, provided that proof, as to such musical work, that the notice of termination was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective at a later date. Where the notice of termination identifies more than one musical work, each musical work shall be treated independently.

(D) The terminating party, identified by name and any known and appropriate unique identifiers, appropriate contact information for the terminating party or their administrator or other representative, and, if the terminating party is not already receiving royalty distributions from the mechanical licensing collective, any additional information that is necessary for the terminating party to receive royalty distributions from the mechanical licensing collective.

(ii) With respect to the information required by paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section, providing an official Copyright Office certification for any such information shall not be required. If the mechanical licensing collective has good cause to doubt the authenticity of any such information, the mechanical licensing collective shall either seek verification from the Copyright Office or request that such verification be provided to the mechanical licensing collective by the submitter.

(iii) Where the information required by paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section is insufficient to enable the mechanical licensing collective to implement and give effect to the termination with respect to a particular musical work, the mechanical licensing collective shall promptly correspond with the terminating party and the pre-termination copyright owner (or their respective representatives) to attempt to obtain the minimum necessary information.

(iv) The required notice shall be submitted and signed by either the terminating party or the pre-termination copyright owner (or their respective duly authorized representatives). Such signature shall be accompanied by the name and title of the person signing the notice and the date of the signature. The notice may be signed electronically. The person signing the notice shall certify that they have appropriate authority to submit the notice to the mechanical licensing collective and that all information submitted as part of the notice is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the signer's knowledge, information, and belief, and is provided in good faith. If the notice is submitted by the terminating party, the following additional steps shall be required:

(A) The mechanical licensing collective shall notify the pre-termination copyright owner about the terminating party's notice within 15 calendar days of receiving either the notice or the last piece of information necessary for the mechanical licensing collective to implement the change as to a particular musical work, whichever is later, and shall contemporaneously alert the terminating party that such notice was sent to the pre-termination copyright owner.

(B) If the pre-termination copyright owner does not initiate a dispute with the mechanical licensing collective regarding the termination, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, within 30 calendar days of receiving such notice, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the transfer of copyright ownership resulting from the termination, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. Nothing in this paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(B) shall prevent the pre-termination copyright owner from disputing the termination with the mechanical licensing collective at a later date or challenging the termination in a legal proceeding.

(v) Where there is more than one terminating party or pre-termination copyright owner, the required notice shall include a satisfactory identification of any applicable ownership shares for each musical work subject to the termination. Where there is more than one terminating party, the notice shall be effective only as to those terminating parties whose information is provided in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(i)(D) of this section. Where there is more than one terminating party, a notice that is signed and certified by any one terminating party in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(iv) of this section is sufficient as to all terminating parties.


(A) A notice submitted to the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to this paragraph (c)(2) may be withdrawn in accordance with any reasonable requirements that the mechanical licensing collective establishes and makes publicly available on its website.

(B) A notice submitted to the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to this paragraph (c)(2) may be converted into a notice under paragraph (c)(1) of this section in accordance with any reasonable requirements that the mechanical licensing collective establishes and makes publicly available on its website.

(C) Such requirements shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(B) and (C) of this section.

(d) Implementation of a change. Upon receiving a notice that complies with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the identified transfer or other payee change on a per work basis as follows:


(i) Except as provided by paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, where the mechanical licensing collective receives the notice before the first day of the first monthly reporting period to commence after the change is effective, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change, on a prospective basis, beginning no later than the first distribution of royalties for such reporting period.

(ii) Where the notice concerns a transfer of copyright ownership resulting from an effective termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304 submitted by the terminating party under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and the pre-termination copyright owner does not initiate a dispute as described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, where the mechanical licensing collective receives the notice at least 45 calendar days before the first day of the first monthly reporting period to commence after the change is effective, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change, on a prospective basis, beginning no later than the first distribution of royalties for such reporting period.


(i) Except as provided by paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section, where the mechanical licensing collective receives the notice on or after the first day of the first monthly reporting period to commence after the change is effective, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change, on a prospective basis, beginning no later than the first distribution of royalties based on the first payee snapshot taken by the mechanical licensing collective at least 30 calendar days after the mechanical licensing collective receives the notice.

(ii) Where the notice concerns a transfer of copyright ownership resulting from an effective termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304 submitted by the terminating party under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and the pre-termination copyright owner does not initiate a dispute as described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, where the mechanical licensing collective receives the notice less than 45 calendar days before the first day of the first monthly reporting period to commence after the change is effective, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change, on a prospective basis, beginning no later than the first distribution of royalties based on the first payee snapshot taken by the mechanical licensing collective at least 30 calendar days after the pre-termination copyright owner's deadline to dispute under paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(B) of this section.

(3) Where additional information related to the notice is required to enable the mechanical licensing collective to implement and give effect to the change, and such information is received after receipt of the notice, the timing requirements described in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section shall be based on the date that the last piece of necessary information is received by the mechanical licensing collective.

(4) Where the change is effective as to one or more monthly reporting periods for which the mechanical licensing collective distributed royalties before implementing and giving effect to the change, the mechanical licensing collective may, but is not required to, make a corrective royalty adjustment if the notice requests one.

(5) If the mechanical licensing collective does not implement and give effect to the change in accordance with the deadlines prescribed by paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change as soon as reasonably practicable, provided that the change is implemented and given effect by the mechanical licensing collective no later than the next regular monthly royalty distribution to occur either after the implementation deadline that originally applied under paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section, as applicable, or at least 30 calendar days after the date that the mechanical licensing collective learns that the change was not implemented on time, whichever is later. In such cases, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the change as of the implementation deadline that originally applied under paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section, as applicable, including by making any necessary corrective royalty adjustments.

(6) No action or inaction by the mechanical licensing collective with respect to implementing and giving effect to a transfer or other payee change shall alter or prejudice any party's rights to royalties pursuant to such change or such party's right to collect such royalties from someone other than the mechanical licensing collective if such royalties were not distributed to such party by the mechanical licensing collective.

(7) Where the notice concerns a transfer of copyright ownership resulting from an effective termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304 submitted under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and the notice is accompanied by proof that the notice of termination was submitted to the Copyright Office for recordation, but the notice is not accompanied by proof that it was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination, the mechanical licensing collective shall act as follows:

(i) Upon subsequent receipt of proof that the notice of termination was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination, the mechanical licensing collective shall treat the proof of recordation as a type of additional information under paragraph (d)(3) of this section. The mechanical licensing collective shall not implement or give effect to any such termination unless and until such proof is received.

(ii) Until receipt of the proof described in paragraph (d)(7)(ii)(B) or (C) of this section, as the case may be, and subject to paragraph (d)(7)(ii)(D) of this section the mechanical licensing collective shall hold applicable accrued royalties and accrued interest pending receipt of proof that the notice of termination was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination as follows:

(A) The mechanical licensing collective shall commence holding such amount no later than the implementation deadline that would apply under paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section, as applicable, if proof of recordation had been provided with the notice.

(B) After receiving proof that the notice of termination was recorded in the Copyright Office before the effective date of termination is received, the mechanical licensing collective shall implement and give effect to the termination as provided by paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) and (d)(7)(i) of this section, as applicable.

(C) After receiving proof that the Copyright Office refused to record the notice of termination, the recordation submission was withdrawn, or the notice of termination was recorded on or after the effective date of termination, the mechanical licensing collective shall release the held funds to the pre-termination copyright owner.

(D) If the mechanical licensing collective does not receive the proof described in either paragraph (d)(7)(ii)(B) or (C) of this section within 6 months after the mechanical licensing collective commences holding applicable accrued royalties and accrued interest, the mechanical licensing collective shall request that the terminating party provide an update about the status of the relevant recordation submission. If the submission remains pending at that time, the mechanical licensing collective may continue to request periodic updates from the terminating party in its discretion. Upon receiving the proof described in either paragraph (d)(7)(ii)(B) or (C), the mechanical licensing collective shall act in accordance with paragraph (d)(7)(ii)(B) or (C), as the case may be.

(iii) Where a notice of termination identifies more than one musical work, whether the notice is timely recorded in the Copyright Office shall be determined on a per work basis with respect to each musical work identified in the notice.

(e) Termination disputes. The following requirements shall apply to any dispute initiated with the mechanical licensing collective regarding a termination under 17 U.S.C. 203 or 304:

(1) Such a dispute must be with regard to the validity of the termination or the application of the derivative works exception to a particular voluntary license or its underlying grant of authority.

(2) Only a pre-termination copyright owner (or its representative) may initiate such a dispute.


(i) If a pre-termination copyright owner (or its representative) initiates such a dispute and delivers the information required to substantiate the dispute to the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (e)(4) of this section, the mechanical licensing collective shall hold applicable accrued royalties and accrued interest pending resolution of the dispute.

(ii) With respect to any dispute concerning the application of the derivative works exception to a particular voluntary license or its underlying grant of authority:

(A) The mechanical licensing collective shall, as needed and on an ongoing basis, invoice any applicable digital music provider for the royalties associated with the dispute.

(B) The mechanical licensing collective shall hold such royalties in the same manner and at the same interest rate as any other funds held pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(H)(ii).

(C) Where the resolution of the dispute results in payment being made by the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to a blanket license, the payment must include any accrued interest. Where the resolution of the dispute results in a digital music provider paying a voluntary licensor, the mechanical licensing collective must promptly return the held amount, including any accrued interest, to the digital music provider accompanied by notice that the dispute has been resolved in such manner.

(4) The minimum information that must be delivered to the mechanical licensing collective to substantiate a termination-related dispute shall consist of the following:

(i) A cognizable explanation of the grounds for the dispute, articulated with specificity.

(ii) Documentation sufficient to support the grounds for the dispute, which shall consist of the following:

(A) A true, correct, complete, and legible copy of each grant in dispute.

(B) A true, correct, complete, and legible copy of any other agreement or document necessary to support the grounds for the dispute.

(C) Such other documentation or substantiating information as the mechanical licensing collective may reasonably require pursuant to a dispute policy adopted under 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(K).

(iii) A satisfactory identification of each musical work in dispute.

(iv) A certification that the submitter has appropriate authority to initiate the dispute with the mechanical licensing collective and that all information submitted in connection with the dispute is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the submitter's knowledge, information, and belief, and is provided in good faith.

(v) The following additional information if the dispute concerns the application of the derivative works exception to a particular voluntary license or its underlying grant of authority:

(A) A true, correct, complete, and legible copy of each voluntary license at issue.

(B) A satisfactory identification of each relevant sound recording that constitutes a derivative work within the meaning of 17 U.S.C. 101 that was prepared pursuant to appropriate authority.

(C) The date of preparation for each such sound recording, which must be before the effective date of termination.

(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary that may be contained in § 210.34, any and all documentation provided to the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to paragraph (e)(4) of this section shall be disclosed to all parties to the dispute. If a party to the dispute is not a party or successor to a party to an otherwise confidential document, such disclosure shall be subject to an appropriate written confidentiality agreement.

(6) Any dispute initiated with the mechanical licensing collective under this paragraph (e) shall be limited to those musical works identified pursuant to paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this section. The existence of such a dispute shall not affect the implementation of a change with respect to any other musical work identified in the same notice of change and that is not subject to a dispute.

[89 FR 56614, July 9, 2024]

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 03/14/2025