Copyright Office Ending CARES Act Timing Adjustments

Issue No. 941 - December 29, 2021

The Register of Copyrights today issued a declaration that, as there is no evidence of a need for continued adjustments as a result of disruptions to the copyright system, the remaining adjustments will be allowed to expire at the end of the day on December 31, 2021. Pursuant to the authority granted under section 710 of the Copyright Act (enacted as part of the CARES Act), the Register had previously determined that adjustments were necessary due to pandemic-related disrupted the copyright system, and had allowed adjustments of certain timing provisions under the Copyright Act. The Register’s most recent announcement extended those timing adjustments through December 31, 2021, and the Office had previously stated that the current extensions would end at that time.

Parties who have submitted declarations to the Office requesting timing adjustments should follow the instructions on the Office’s website to insure proper effectuation of their requests.