Legislative Developments

119th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R.861 American Music Fairness Act of 2025 1/31/2025
H.R.791 Foreign Anti-Digital Piracy Act 1/28/2025

Enacted Legislation – 118th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Enacted
H.R.5009 Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 07/27/2023

118th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S.5379 TRAIN Act 11/21/2024
H.R.10103 TRIPS Waivers Act 11/08/2024
H.R.9551 NO FAKES Act of 2024 9/12/2024
S.4875 NO FAKES Act of 2024 7/31/2024
S.4674 Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act of 2024 7/11/2024
S.4638 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 7/8/2024
H.R.8070 Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 5/22/2024
S.4443 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 6/3/2024
H.R.7913 Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act of 2024 04/09/2024
H.R.7763 Living Wage for Musicians Act of 2024 03/20/2024
H.R.7228 BIRDIE Act 02/25/2024
H.R.6966 Go Pack Go Act of 2024 01/11/2024
H.R. 6879 Farm Freedom to Repair Act 12/19/2023
H.R. 5604 Agricultural Right to Repair Act 09/20/2023
S.2857 Go Pack Go Act of 2023 09/20/2023
H.R.1631 Pro Codes Act 03/17/2023
S.835 Pro Codes Act 03/16/2023
H.R. 791 American Music Fairness Act of 2023 02/02/2023
S.253 American Music Fairness Act 02/02/2023
H. R. 576 Copyright Clause Restoration Act of 2023 01/26/2023

Enacted Legislation – 117th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Enacted
H.R.7776 James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (Includes sec. 6306, Copyright protection for civilian faculty of the National Intelligence University.) 12/23/2022
S. 169 ARTS Act 10/17/2022

117th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R. 9541 SMART Copyright Act of 2023 12/14/2022
S. 4932 American Music Fairness Act 09/22/2022
H.Con.Res.102 Expressing the sense of Congress that it is the duty of the Federal Government to establish a new royalty program to provide income to featured and non-featured performing artists whose music or audio content is listened to on streaming music services, like Spotify 08/09/2022
H.R. 8250 Copyright Clause Restoration Act of 2022 06/28/2022
S. 4178 Copyright Clause Restoration Act of 2022 05/10/2022
S. 3880 SMART Copyright Act of 2022 03/17/2022
H.R. 6769 Pro Codes Act 02/18/2022
H.R. 6566 Freedom to Repair Act of 2022 02/02/2022
S. 2972 A bill to repeal section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 10/07/2021
H.R. 4130 American Music Fairness Act 06/24/2021
H.R. 7613 21st Century FREE Speech Act 04/28/2022
S. 1384 21st Century FREE Speech Act 04/27/2021
H.R. 1856 Modern Television Act of 2021 03/11/2021
H.R. 704 ARTS Act 02/02/2021

Enacted Legislation – 116th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Enacted

H.R. 133

For the new provision in 18 U.S.C. § 2319C on illicit digital transmission services, see bill excerpt

For the CASE Act, see bill excerpt

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 Dec. 27, 2020

H.R. 748

See Sec. 19011. (a) Amendment.—National Emergency Relief Authority for the Register of Copyrights, pages 769-772 in PDF version

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Mar. 27, 2020

S. 1790

Conference Report

For specific changes to title 17, see Subtitle E, § 544

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 Dec. 20, 2019

H.R. 1865

For specific changes to title 17, see Title XI – Eligibility to Receive Signals Under a Distant-Signal Satellite license (“Satellite Television Community Protection and Promotion Act of 2019”) and Title XIV – Library of Congress Technical Corrections

Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 Dec. 20, 2019

116th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S. 5020 A bill to repeal section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 12/15/2020
S. 4632 Online Content Policy Modernization Act 09/21/2020
H.R. 7956 Critical Medical Infrastructure Right-to-Repair Act of 2020 08/07/2020
S. 4473 Critical Medical Infrastructure Right-to-Repair Act of 2020 08/06/2020
H.R. 5219 Ask Musicians for Music Act of 2019 11/21/2019
S. 2932 Ask Musicians for Music Act of 2019 11/21/2019
H.R. 5140 Satellite Television Community Protection and Promotion Act of 2019 11/18/2019
H.R. 4997 Artistic Recognition for Talented Students Act 11/8/2019
S. 2829 WEST Access Act 11/7/2019
S. 2824 ARTS (Artistic Recognition for Talented Students) Act 11/7/2019
S. 2789 Satellite Television Access Reauthorization (STAR) Act 11/6/2019
S. 2454 Go Pack Go Act of 2019 9/10/2019
H.R. 3994 Modern Television Act of 2019 7/25/2019
H.R. 2426 CASE Act of 2019 5/1/2019
S. 1273 CASE Act of 2019 5/1/2019

115th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Enacted
H.R. 1551

Report No. 115-339, by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Music Modernization Act (S. 2823) (September 17, 2018)

Report No. 115-651, by the House Judiciary Committee, Music Modernization Act (H.R. 5447) (April 25, 2018)

Report and Section by Section Analysis of H.R. 1551 by the Chairmen and Ranking Members of Senate and House Judiciary Committees

U.S. Copyright Office summary of the Music Modernization Act

Amendments to the Copyright Act as a result of the Orrin G. Hatch–Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act
Orrin G. Hatch–Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act 10/11/2018
S. 2559

Report No. 115-261 by the Senate Judiciary Committee (June 4, 2018)

Errata to Report No. 115-261 (June 4, 2018)

Treaty Doc 114-6, Message from the President of the United States transmitting the Marrakesh Treaty to the Senate (February 10, 2016)

Frequently Asked Questions about the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act prepared by the U.S. Copyright Office

Amendments to the Copyright Act as a result of the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act
Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act 10/10/2018

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S.3488 American Royalties Too Act of 2018 9/25/2018
H.R.6868 American Royalties Too Act of 2018 9/25/2018
H.R.6816 Family Movie Act Clarification Act of 2018 9/13/2018
H.R.6465 Next Generation Television Marketplace Act 7/23/2018
S.3232 Go Pack Go Act of 2018 7/18/2018
S.2933 ACCESS to Recordings Act 5/23/2018
S.2823 Music Modernization Act 5/10/2018
H.R.5447 Music Modernization Act 4/10/2018
S.2625 Allocation for Music Producers Act 3/22/2018
S.2559 Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act 3/15/2018
S.2393 CLASSICS Act 2/7/2018
S.2334 Music Modernization Act of 2018 1/24/2018
H.R.4706 Music Modernization Act of 2017 12/21/2017
H.R.3945 CASE Act of 2017 10/4/2017
H.R.3350 Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act 7/20/2017
H.R.3301 CLASSICS Act 7/19/2017
S.1010 Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017 5/2/2017
H.R.1914 PROMOTE Act of 2017 4/5/2017
H.R.1836 Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017 3/30/2017
H.R.1695 Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017 3/23/2017
H.R.1551 Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act 3/15/2017
H.R.905 You Own Devices Act 2/07/2017
H.R.881 Allocation for Music Producers Act 2/06/2017
H.R.890 Copyright Office for the Digital Economy Act 2/06/2017
S.174 Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Reporting Act 1/17/2017
H.R.192 Direct Broadcast Satellite Expansion Act of 2017 1/03/2017

114th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R.6496 Fairness for American Small Creators Act 12/08/2016
H.R.5757 Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2016 07/13/2016
H.R.4241 Copyright Office for the Digital Economy Act 12/11/2015
H.R.3496 GO PACK Act of 2015 9/11/2015
S.977 American Royalties Too Act of 2015 4/16/2015
S.990 Breaking Down Barriers to Innovation Act of 2015 4/16/2015
H.R.1883 Breaking Down Barriers to Innovation Act of 2015 4/16/2015
H.R.1881 American Royalties Too Act of 2015 4/16/2015
H.R.1733 Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2015 4/13/2015
H.R.1587 Unlocking Technology Act of 2015 3/24/2015
H.R.1457 Allocation for Music Producers Act 3/19/2015
S.662 Songwriter Equity Act of 2015 3/4/2015
H.R.1283 Songwriter Equity Act of 2015 3/4/2015
H.R.862 You Own Devices Act 2/11/2015
H.R.238 Copyright and Marriage Equality Act 1/9/2015
S.23 Copyright and Marriage Equality Act 1/6/2015

113th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
P.L. 113-200
STELA Reauthorization Act of 2014 11/18/2014
S.2919 Copyright and Marriage Equality Act 11/12/2014
H.R.5617 Copyright and Marriage Equality Act 9/18/2014
H.R.5586 You Own Devices Act 9/18/2014
H.R.5585 GO PACC Act of 2014 9/18/2014
H.R.5036 Satellite Television Access Reauthorization Act of 2014 7/9/2014
S.2454 Satellite Television Access Reauthorization Act of 2014 6/10/2014
H.R.4772 Respecting Senior Performers as Essential Cultural Treasures Act 5/29/2014
S.2321 Songwriter Equity Act of 2014 5/12/2014
H.R.4572 STELA Reauthorization Act of 2014 5/6/2014
S.2045 American Royalties Too Act of 2014 2/26/2014
H.R.4103 American Royalties Too Act of 2014 2/26/2014
H.R.4079 Songwriter Equity Act of 2014 2/25/2014
H.R.3720 Next Generation Television Marketplace Act 12/12/2013
H.R.3219 Free Market Royalty Act 9/30/2013
S.912 Television Consumer Freedom Act of 2013 5/09/2013
H.R.1892 Unlocking Technology Act of 2013 5/08/2013
H.R.1123 Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act 4/15/2013
P.L. 113-144
Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act 3/11/2013
S.481 Wireless Consumer Choice Act 3/06/2013
S.467 Wireless Device Independence Act of 2013 3/05/2013

112th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R.6480 To adopt fair standards and procedures by which determinations of Copyright Royalty Judges are made with respect to webcasting, and for other purposes 9/21/2012
S.3609 A bill to adopt fair standards and procedures by which determinations of Copyright Royalty Judges are made with respect to webcasting, and for other purposes 9/21/2012
S.3523 Innovative Design Protection Act of 2012 9/20/2012
H.R.4469 Four Corners Television Access Act of 2012 4/19/2012
H.R.3782 Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act 1/18/2012
S.2029 Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act 12/17/2011
S.2008 Next Generation Television Marketplace Act of 2011 12/16/2011
H.R.3675 Next Generation Television Marketplace Act 12/15/2011
S.2000 Equity for Visual Artists Act of 2011 12/15/2011
H.R.3688 Equity for Visual Artists Act of 2011 12/15/2011
S.1830 Protect American Innovation Act of 2011 11/08/2011
H.R.3261 Stop Online Piracy Act 10/26/2011
H.R.2933 Sound Recording Simplification Act 9/14/2011
H.R.2511 Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act 7/13/2011
S.1267 Strengthening America's Trade Laws Act 6/23/2011
S.978 To amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes 5/12/2011
S.968 PROTECT IP Act of 2011 5/12/2011
H.R. 1203 Fairness for the U.S. Territories Under STELA Act 3/17/2011

111th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R.6307 Public Radio Music Enhancement Act of 2010 9/29/2010
S.3804 Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act 9/20/2010
S.3728 Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act 8/5/2010
S. 3689
P.L. 111-295
Copyright Cleanup, Clarification, and Corrections Act of 2010 8/2/2010
H.R.5704 To amend title 10, United States Code, to allow faculty members at Department of Defense service academies and schools of professional military education to secure copyrights for certain... 7/1/2010
S. 3333
P.L. 111-175
Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 5/27/2010
S. 3173 Continuing Extension Act of 2010 3/25/2010
S. 3153 Continuing Extension Act of 2010 3/23/2010
H.R. 4851
P.L. 111-157
Continuing Extension Act of 2010 3/16/2010
H.R. 4691
P.L. 111-144
Temporary Extension Act of 2010 2/25/2010
H.R. 3570 Satellite Home Viewer Update and Reauthorization Act of 2009 9/15/2009
S. 1670 Satellite Television Modernization Act of 2009 9/15/2009
H.R. 3498 Statewide PTV Access Act of 2009 7/31/2009
H.R. 3326
P.L. 111-118
Department of Defense Appropriations (Division B—Other Matters: Amendments to Section 119 of Title 17, United States Code) 7/24/2009
H.R. 3216 Local Television Freedom Act of 2009 7/14/2009
H.R. 2994 Satellite Home Viewer Reauthorization Act 6/23/2009
S. 1145 Webcaster Settlement Act of 2009 5/21/2009
H.R. 2344
P.L. 111-36
Webcaster Settlement Act of 2009 5/12/2009
H.R. 2196 Design Piracy Prohibition Act 4/30/2009
S. 771 Four Corners Television Access Act of 2009 4/1/2009
H.R. 1860
Four Corners Television Access Act of 2009 4/1/2009
S. 379
Performance Rights Act 2/4/2009
H.R. 848 Performance Rights Act 2/4/2009
H.R. 801 Fair Copyright in Research Works Act 2/3/2009
H.R. 505 To amend section 119 of title 17, United States Code, to allow the secondary transmission to any subscriber in State of Oklahoma ... 1/14/2009

110th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R. 7084
P.L. 110-435
Webcaster Settlement Act of 2008 9/25/2008
S. 3464 International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Act of 2008 9/10/2008
H.R. 6845 Fair Copyright in Research Works Act 9/9/2008
S. 3325
P.L. 110-403
Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act of 2008 7/24/2008
H.R. 6531
P.L. 110-434
Vessel Hull Design Protection Amendments of 2008 7/17/2008
H.R. 6530 Trade Enforcement Act of 2008 7/17/2008
S. 2913 Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008 4/24/2008
H.R. 5889 Orphan Works Act of 2008 4/24/2008
S. 2591 . . .to provide an exemption from exclusive rights in copyright for certain nonprofit organizations to display live football games . . . 2/4/2008
S. 2500 Performance Rights Act 12/18/2007
H.R. 4789 Performance Rights Act 12/18/2007
S. 2447 To make a technical correction to section 119 of title 17 . . . 12/11/2007
H.R. 4279 Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2007 12/5/2007
H.R. 4128 Criminal Code Modernization and Simplification Act of 2007 11/8/2007
S. 2317 Intellectual Property Enforcement Act of 2007 11/7/2007
H.CON.RES. 244 Supporting the Local Radio Freedom Act 10/31/2007
S. 1957 Design Piracy Prohibition Act 8/2/2007
H.R. 3155 Intellectual Property Enhanced Criminal Enforcement Act of 2007 7/24/2007
H.R. 3015 To delay the applicability to webcasters of rates and terms determined by the Copyright Royalty Judges . . . 7/12/2007
H.R. 2821 Television Freedom Act of 2007 6/21/2007
S.1640 Vessel Hull Design Protection Amendments of 2007 6/18/2007
H.R. 2705 Compacts of Free Association Amendments Act of 2007 6/13/2007
H. Res. 414 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that foreign governments should work diligently to legalize all computer software used by such foreign governments. . . 5/17/2007
S.1353 Internet Radio Equality Act 5/10/2007
H.R. 2060 Internet Radio Equality Act 4/26/2007
H.R. 2033 Design Piracy Prohibition Act 4/25/2007
H.R. 1689 Curb Illegal Downloading on College Campuses Act of 2007 3/26/2007
S.760 Four Corners Television Access Act of 2007 3/5/2007
H.R. 1201 Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007 2/27/2007
S.522 Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Act 2/7/2007
H.R. 602 . . . to allow the secondary transmission to any subscriber in the State of Oklahoma of primary transmissions of local network stations in that State 1/22/2007
S.258 A bill to clarify provisions relating to statutory copyright licenses for satellite carriers 1/11/2007
S.256 Perform Act of 2007 1/11/2007
S.124 Satellite and Cable Access Act of 2007 1/4/2007

109th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R. 6402 Satellite Consumer Protection Act of 2006 12/6/2006
H.R. 6384 To amend title 17 . . . with respect to settlement agreements reached with respect to litigation involving certain secondary transmissions of superstations and network... 12/6/2006
S. 4080 To amend title 17 . . . with respect to settlement agreements reached with respect to litigation involving certain secondary transmissions of superstations and network... 12/5/2006
H.R. 6340 To clarify provisions relating to statutory copyright licenses for satellite carriers 12/5/2006
S. 4074 Satellite and Cable Access Act of 2006 11/16/2006
S. 4068 To clarify provisions relating to statutory copyright licenses for satellite carriers 11/16/2006
H.R. 6052 Copyright Modernization Act of 2006 9/12/2006
H.R. 5921 Intellectual Property Enhanced Criminal Enforcement Act of 2006 7/27/2006
H.R. 5593 Royalty Distribution Clarification Act of 2006 6/13/2006
H.R. 5553 Section 115 Reform Act of 2006 6/8/2006
H.R. 5439 Orphan Works Act of 2006 5/22/2006
H.R. 5361 Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2006 5/11/2006
S. 2644 Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2006 4/25/2006
S. RES. 438 Expressing the sense of Congress that institutions of higher education should adopt policies and educational programs on their campuses to help deter and eliminate illicit copyright... 4/7/2006
H.CON. RES. 380 Expressing the sense of Congress that United States intellectual property rights must be protected globally 4/5/2006
S.CON. RES. 87 Expressing the sense of Congress that United States intellectual property rights must be protected globally 4/5/2006
H.R. 5055 To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide protection for fashion design 3/30/2006
H.R. 4861 Audio Broadcast Flag Licensing Act of 2006 3/2/2006
H.R. 4569 Digital Transition Content Security Act of 2005 12/16/2005
H.R. 4536 Benefit Authors without Limiting Advancement or Net Consumer Expectations (BALANCE) Act of 2005 12/14/2005
S. 1984 Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Act 11/9/2005
S. 1785 Vessel Hull Design Protection Amendments of 2005 9/28/2005
H.R. 2955 Intellectual Property Jurisdiction Clarification Act of 2005 6/16/2005
S. 1095 Protecting American Goods and Services Act of 2005 5/20/2005
H.R. 2408 Public Domain Enhancement Act 5/17/2005
H.R. 1201 Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2005 3/9/2005
H.R. 1037 Technical corrections relating to Statutory License for Satellite Carriers 3/2/2005
H.R. 1036
P.L. 109-303
Copyright Royalty Judges Program Technical Corrections Act 3/2/2005
H.R. 962 ...to allow faculty members at Department of Defense service academies... to secure copyrights for certain scholarly works... 2/17/2005
S. 167
P.L. 109-9
Family Entertainment and Copyright Act 1/25/2005
H.R. 357 Family Entertainment and Copyright Act 1/25/2005
H.R. 24 Preservation and Restoration of Orphan Works for Use in Scholarship and Education (PRO-USE) Act of 2005 1/4/2005

108th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S. 3021 Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2004 11/20/2004
S. 2863 Protecting Intellectual Rights Against Theft and Expropriation Act of 2004 (see Title VIII) 9/29/2004
H.R. 5136 Preservation of Orphan Works Act 9/23/2004
H.R. 4818
P.L. 108-447
Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (contained in Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005) 7/13/2004
S. 2560 Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act of 2004 6/22/2004
H.R. 4586 Family Movie Act of 2004 6/16/2004
H.R. 4518 Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 6/4/2004
H.R. 4501 Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 6/3/2004
H.R. 4077 Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2004 3/31/2004
S. 2242 Anticounterfeiting Act of 2004 3/26/2004
S. 2237 Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Against Theft and Expropriation Act of 2004 3/25/2004
H.RES. 576 Urging the Government of the People's Republic of China to improve its protection of intellectual property rights, and for other purposes 3/24/2004
S. 2227 Anticounterfeiting Act of 2004 3/23/2004
H.R. 3872 Consumer Access to Information Act of 2004 3/2/2004
H.R. 3754 Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act 2/3/2004
S. 2013 Satellite Home Viewer Extension Act of 2004 1/21/2004
S. 1932 Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act of 2004 11/22/2003
S. 1933 Enhancing Federal Obscenity Reporting and Copyright Enforcement Act of 2003 11/22/2003
H.R. 3632
P.L. 108-482
Intellectual Property Protection and Courts Amendments Act of 2004 11/21/2003
H.R. 3559 To amend title 10, United States Code, to allow faculty members at Department of Defense service academies and schools of professional military education to secure copyrights for certain. . . 11/20/2003
H.R. 3261 Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act 10/8/2003
S. 1621 Consumers, Schools, and Libraries Digital Rights Management Awareness Act of 2003 9/16/2003
H.R. 2752 Author, Consumer, and Computer Owner Protection and Security (ACCOPS) Act of 2003 7/16/2003
H.R. 2613 Public Access to Science Act 6/26/2003
H.R. 2601 Public Domain Enhancement Act 6/25/2003
H.R. 2517 Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2003 6/19/2003
H.R. 2391 Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2003 6/09/2003
H.R. 2344 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2003 6/5/2003
S. 1191 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2003 6/5/2003
H.R. 2255 To extend the suspension of certain payments to be made by noncommercial webcasters under sections 112 and 114 of title 17, United States Code, and for other purposes 5/22/2003
H.R. 1417
P.L. 108-419
Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2003 3/25/2003
S. 692 Digital Consumer Right to Know Act 3/24/2003
H.R. 1350
P.L. 108-446
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (see title III, section 306) 3/19/2003
H.R. 1066 Benefit Authors without Limiting Advancement or Net Consumer Expectations (BALANCE) Act of 2003 3/4/2003
H.R. 490 Instructional Materials Accessibility Act of 2003 1/29/2003
H.R. 107 Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2003 1/7/2003

107th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S.J. RES. 51 Consumer Technology Bill of Rights 10/17/2002
H.J. RES. 116 Consumer Technology Bill of Rights 10/7/2002
H.R. 5544 Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2002 10/3/2002
H.R. 5522 Digital Choice and Freedom Act of 2002 10/2/2002
H.R. 5469
P.L. 107-321
Small Webcaster Amendments Act of 2002 9/26/2002
H.R. 5285 Internet Radio Fairness Act 7/26/2002
H.R. 5211 Amendment to limit the liability of copyright owners for protecting their works on peer-to-peer networks 7/25/2002
H.R. 5057 Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2002 6/27/2002
H.R. 4643 Freelance Writers and Artists Protection Act of 2002 5/2/2002
S. 2395 Anticounterfeiting Amendments of 2002 4/30/2002
S. 2082 Playwrights Licensing Relief Act of 2002 4/10/2002
S. 2048 Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act 3/21/2002
S. 2031 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2002 3/19/2002
H.R. 3204 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2001 11/1/2001
S. 1611 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2001 11/1/2001
H.R. 2971 For the Relief of Inna Hecker Grade (Granting of Copyright) 9/25/2001
H.R. 2724 Music Online Competition Act of 2001 8/2/2001
H.R. 2215
P.L. 107-273
21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act (incorporating S. 487, Technology, Education And Copyright Harmonization Act, and S. 320, Technology, Education And Copyright Harmonization Act) 6/19/2001
H.R. 2100 Twenty-First Century Distance Learning Enhancement Act 6/7/2001
S. 487 Technology, Education And Copyright Harmonization Act (incorporated into H.R. 2215, 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act) 3/7/2001
H.R. 614 Copyright Technical Corrections Act of 2001 2/14/2001
S. 320
P.L. 107-273
Intellectual Property and High Technology Technical Amendments Act of 2001 (incorporated into H.R. 2215, 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act) 2/13/2001

106th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
H.R. 5275 Music Owners' Listening Rights Act of 2000 9/25/2000
H.R. 5106 Copyright Technical Corrections Act of 2000 9/6/2000
H. R. 5107
P.L. 106-379
Work Made For Hire and Copyright Corrections Act of 2000 9/6/2000
H.R. 3456
P.L. 106-160
Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright Damages Improvement Act of 1999 11/18/1999
S. 1948
P.L. 106-113
Intellectual Property and Communications Omnibus Reform Act of 1999 11/17/1999
S. 1835 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 1999 10/29/1999
S. 1257 Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright Damages Improvement Act 6/22/1999
H.R. 1858 Consumer and Investor Access to Information Act 5/19/1999
H.R. 1761 Copyright Damages Improvement Act 5/11/1999
H.R. 1554 Satellite Copyright, Competition, and Consumer Protection Act of 1999 4/26/1999
H.R. 1189 Technical Corrections 3/18/1999
H.R. 1027 Satellite Television Improvement Act 3/8/1999
H.R. 851 Save Our Satellites Act of 1999 2/25/1999
H.R. 768 Copyright Compulsory License Improvement Act 2/23/1999
S. 303 Satellite Television Act 1/25/1999
S. 247 Satellite Home Viewers Improvements Act 1/19/1999
S. 95 Trading Information Act 1/19/1999
H.R. 354 Collections of Information Antipiracy Act 1/19/1999
H.R. 89 Satellite Access to Local Stations Act 1/6/1999

105th Congress

Bill Number Title Date Introduced
S. 2037 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 5/6/1998
S. 1720 Copyright Compulsory License Improvement Act 3/5/1998
H.R. 3210 Copyright Compulsory License Improvement Act 2/12/1998
H.R. 3209 On-Line Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act 2/12/1998
H.R. 3048 Digital Era Copyright Enhancement Act 11/13/1997
H.R. 2696 Vessel Hull Design Protection Act 10/22/1997
H.R. 2652 Collections of Information Antipiracy Act 10/9/1997
H.R. 2589 Copyright Term Extension Act 10/1/1997
S. 1146 Digital Copyright Clarification and Technology Education Act 9/3/1997
S. 1121 WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaty Implementation Act 7/31/1997
H.R. 2281
P.L. 105-304
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Formerly named WIPO Copyright Treaties Implementation Act
S. 1044 Criminal Copyright Improvement Act 7/21/1997
H.R. 2180 On-Line Copyright Liability Limitation Act 7/17/1997
H.R. 1967 To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide that the distribution before January 1, 1978, of a phonorecord shall not for any purpose constitute a publication of the musical work embodied therein 6/19/1997
H.R. 1621 Copyright Term Extension Act 5/15/1997
S. 506 Copyright Clarifications Act 3/20/1997
S. 505
P.L. 105-298
Copyright Term Extension Act 3/20/1997
H.R. 789 Fairness in Musical Licensing Act 2/13/1997
H.R. 672
P.L. 105-80
Copyright Technical Amendments 2/11/1997
H.R. 604 Copyright Term Extension Act 2/5/1997
S. 28 Fairness in Musical Licensing Act 1/21/1997
H.R. 401 Intellectual Property Antitrust Protection Act 1/9/1997
H.R. 72 Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act 1/7/1997