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§ 226.2 Requesting a smaller claims proceeding.

A claimant may request consideration of a claim under the smaller claims procedures in this part at the time of filing a claim. The claimant may change its choice as to whether to have its claim considered under the smaller claims procedures or the standard Board procedures at any time before service of the initial notice. If the claimant changes its choice, but the initial notice has already been issued, the claimant shall request reissuance of the initial notice indicating the updated choice. Once the claimant has served the initial notice on any respondent, the claimant may not amend its choice without consent of the other parties and leave of the Board. A claimant's request to change its choice as to whether to have its claim considered under the smaller claims procedures or the standard Board procedures shall follow the procedures set forth in § 220.5(a)(1) of this subchapter. If the request is made following service of the initial notice on any respondent, the claimant's request shall indicate whether the other parties consent to the request.

[89 FR 2492, Jan. 16, 2024]

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/24/2025