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§ 204.5 Procedures for requesting access to records.

(a) Individuals desiring to obtain access to Copyright Office information pertaining to them in a system of records other than those created under section 705 of title 17 should make a written request, signed by themselves or their duly authorized agent, to that effect either by mail to the Supervisory Copyright Information Specialist, U.S. Copyright Office, P.O. Box 70400, Washington, DC 20024-0400, or in person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any working day except legal holidays at Room LM-401, The James Madison Memorial Building, 1st and Independence Avenue SE., Washington, DC.

(b) The written request should identify clearly the system of records which is the subject of inquiry, by reference, whenever possible, to the system number and title as given in the notices of systems of records in the Federal Register. Both the written request and the envelope carrying it should be plainly marked “Privacy Act Request.” Failure to so mark the request may delay the Office's response.

(c) The Office will acknowledge all properly marked requests within 20 working days of receipt; and will notify the requester within 30 working days of receipt when and where access to the record will be granted. If the individual requested a copy of the record, the copy will accompany such notification.

[43 FR 776, Jan. 4, 1978, as amended at 47 FR 36821, Aug. 24, 1982; 60 FR 34169, June 30, 1995; 64 FR 36575, July 7, 1999; 65 FR 39820, June 28, 2000; 73 FR 37839, July 2, 2008; 82 FR 9364, Feb. 6, 2017]

Source: GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) (
Data current as of 02/21/2025