Issues Related to Performing Rights Organizations: Submission of Comments

The Copyright Office is using the system for the submission and posting of public comments in this policy study. All comments are therefore to be submitted electronically through If you are unable to file comments electronically or have a question about the submission process, please contact the Copyright Office as indicated in the Federal Register notice.

Please carefully read and comply with the following instructions for posting comments via the comment form. A link to the comment form is provided at the bottom of the page.

Instructions for Short Comments
Short comments may be typed into the “Comment” field on the form, or may be submitted as an attachment using the form. If you are typing your comments into the “Comment” field, please do not upload a file containing duplicate comments.

Please note that the “Comment” field has a 5000-character limit. Longer comments must be uploaded as a separate file, as instructed below.
Instructions for Uploading Comments
In preparing a file to upload, please be sure that the document includes the name of the submitter and any organization the submitter represents at the top of the document. This information is required in the uploaded document even though the submitter is also completing the fields in the comment form asking for “First Name,” “Last Name” and, where applicable, “Organization Name.”

If you are uploading comments, you should not type any information into the “Comment” field. Instead, upload the file by clicking the “Choose files” button under the “Upload file(s)” section of the form. When a file is uploaded, the system will automatically populate the “Comment” field with the phrase “See attached file(s).”

To meet accessibility standards, uploaded comments must be provided in a single file not to exceed six megabytes (MB) in one of the following formats: Portable Document File (PDF) format containing searchable, accessible text (not an image); Microsoft Word; WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or ASCII text file format (not a scanned document).
Instructions for the First Name, Last Name, Contact Information, and Organization Name Fields
Individual Commenters.
Individual commenters not representing an organization must provide the first and last name of the person commenting in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields. Leave the box labeled “I am submitting on behalf of a third party” unchecked. If submitting comments on behalf of more than one individual, use the first and last name of the first individual listed on the comments, but after the last name add “et al.” (e.g., type “Jane” as the first name and “Doe et al.” as the last name). If desired, provide contact information by checking the box labeled “I want to provide my contact information” and completing the related fields. Please note that all information and files provided in the submission process will be publicly available.

Organizational commenters must provide the first and last name of an authorized representative of the organization who is responsible for the comments in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields. For example, if the comments are signed, use the name of the person who signed the submission. Alternatively, use the name of the person in the organization who authorized the submission of the comments. Organizational commenters must check the box labeled “I am submitting on behalf of a third party” and provide the name of the organization in the “Organization Name” field. If desired, contact information for the organization may be included by checking the box labeled “I want to provide my contact information” and completing the related fields. Please note that all information and files provided in the submission process will be publicly available.
Link to comment submission form:
Comment Submission