303 -December 12, 2006 |
Copyright Office and PTO Invite Participation in Roundtable on Proposed
WIPO Broadcasting Treaty
The Copyright Office and the Patent and Trademark Office announce a public
roundtable discussion, to take place on January 3, 2007, in Alexandria,
Virginia, concerning the work at the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) in the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)
on a proposed Treaty on the Protection of the Rights of Broadcasting Organizations.
Participants should be prepared to identify and discuss the issues and problems
associated with the Revised Draft Basic Proposal for the Treaty. At the
September 2006 WIPO General Assembly, the decision was taken to convene
two special sessions of the SCCR to clarify the outstanding issues, the
first one in January 2007. The special sessions of the SCCR shall aim to
reach agreement on, and finalize, a signal-based approach, the objectives,
specific scope, and object of protection with a view to submitting to a
possible November 2007 Diplomatic Conference a revised basic proposal that
will amend the agreed relevant parts of the Revised Draft Basic Proposal
(Document SCCR/15/2). Members of the public are invited to attend the roundtable,
but due to space limitations, attendance is limited to the first 40 respondents.
Those wishing to participate in the discussion on the topics outlined in
the Federal Register notice should submit requests to participate, preferably
by email or fax. (Read further

Through early
2007 |
Copyright Office Public Information Office
temporarily relocated to room LM-430 in James Madison Memorial
Building |
December 18 |
New deadline for reply comments to Notice of Inquiry
regarding copyright issues associated with the secondary
retransmission of digital television broadcast signals by cable operators
under section 111 of the Copyright Act (more) |
December 29 |
Deadline for submission of requests to participate
in roundtable on a possible Treaty on the Protection of the
Rights of Broadcasting Organizations (more) |
January 3, 2007 |
Date of roundtable on a proposed Treaty on the Protection
of the Rights of Broadcasting Organizations (more) |
January 12 |
Due date for requests to participate in Section 108
Study Group roundtable discussion in Chicago, Illinois, on
January 31, 2007 (more) |
January 31 |
Section 108 Study Group roundtable discussion in Chicago,
Illinois (more) |
February 1 |
First day written comments to Section 108 Study Group
on copyright exceptions for libraries and archives will be
accepted (more) |
March 9 |
Due date for written comments to Section 108 Study
Group on copyright exceptions for libraries and archives (more) |
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