Orphan Works Roundtables: Information On General Topic Areas And Participation
The Copyright Office will hold public roundtable discussions regarding
orphan works in Washington, D.C., on July 26-27, and in Berkeley,
California, on August 2. The Office has identified several general topic
areas for discussion during the roundtables, and has organized a preliminary
agenda according to these issue areas. Persons wishing to participate in
the roundtables must submit a request to participate to the Copyright Office
by 5:00 p.m., E.D.T. on July 15, 2005. REQUESTS TO PARTICIPATE MUST CONTAIN
BY THE OFFICE. Further information on the topic areas and the preliminary
agenda and on how to submit a request to participate is contained in a Notice
to be published in the Federal Register on July 7, 2005, but is also now
available on the Office's orphan works webpage as well, at www.copyright.gov/orphan.
(Read further information.)

July 15 |
Requests to participate in the Orphan Works roundtables
in Washington, D.C. on July 26-27, and in Berkeley, California,
on August 2 must be received by the Copyright Office by 5:00 p.m. E.D.T.
on July 15, 2005. (more) |
July 21 |
Due date for reply comments on procedural regulations
governing the Copyright Royalty Board (more) |
July 26 & 27 |
Dates of public roundtable discussions regarding
orphan works, in Washington, D.C. |
August 2 |
Date of public roundtable discussions regarding orphan
works, in Berkeley, California |
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