Distinctive Identification of Owner of Vessel Hull Design
The Vessel Hull Design Protection Act requires that when a protected vessel
hull design is made public, the owner must mark it with a design notice that
includes, among other things, the name of the owner, an abbreviation by which
the name can be recognized, or a generally accepted alternative designation
of the owner. As an alternative, the notice may include "any distinctive
identification of the owner" if the distinctive identification has been
recorded with the Copyright Office before registration of the design.
The Office provides a suggested format for recordation
of distinctive identifications. The requirements for recording a distinctive
identification are set forth in section
212.5 of the interim regulations.
The Copyright Office does not routinely acknowledge receipt of recordations
of distinctive identifications. The information submitted should appear on
the Copyright Office website within a few weeks of submission. Submitters
who wish to receive confirmation of receipt of a recordation of a distinctive
identification should enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard, which will
be returned.
The distinctive identifications of vessel hull design owners that have been
recorded are listed below. To see an image of the document filed by the vessel
hull design owner to record the distinctive identification, click on the name
of the owner of the design. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed
on your computer to view and print the copies of the recorded documents. The
Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
September 2003 Recordations |
Distinctive Identification
Bugatti Yachts |