Issue 247 - February
8, 2005 |
Copyright Office Announces Termination of Proceeding and Current
The Copyright Office announces the termination of the
proceedings to determine reasonable rates and terms for two
compulsory licenses for the period beginning January 1, 2005,
and ending on December 31, 2006. One license allows public
performances of sound recordings by means of eligible
digital audio transmissions. The other permits the making of
an ephemeral phonorecord of a sound recording in furtherance
of making a permitted public performance of the sound
recording. The rates and terms applicable to new
subscription services, eligible nonsubscription services,
and services that transmit performances to business
establishments that were in effect on December 31, 2004,
will remain in effect during 2005.
The proceedings are being terminated as required under the
Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2004 (the
Public Law 108-419, 118 Stat.
2341. This Act, which becomes effective on May 31, 2005, eliminates the
Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP) system and replaces it with
three permanent Copyright Royalty Judges. New proceedings to
establish rates and terms for these licenses will be
initiated by the Copyright Royalty Judges. (Read further

Feb. 14 |
Effective date of change in format of
certain copyright registration certificates issued under the
Copyright Act (html) (pdf) |
Feb. 16 |
Due date for comments on whether the 2005 cable statutory
license rate adjustment proceeding should take place under
the auspices of the CARP or the CRJ (html)
(pdf) |
Feb. 25 |
Due date for Notices of Intent to Participate and
comments on royalty rates for analog television broadcast stations
retransmitted by satellite carriers (html)
(pdf) |
Feb. 28 |
Claims to the 2004 DART royalty funds must be received
in the Copyright Office by 5 p.m. on this date (html) (pdf) |
Mar. 25 |
Due date for comments on orphan works issues (html)
(pdf) |
May 9 |
Due date for reply comments on orphan works issues
(html) (pdf) |

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