Issue 243 - December
30, 2004 |
Voluntary Negotiation Period for Satellite Royalty
Fees Begins
The Copyright Office announces the voluntary negotiation period for the
purpose of determining the royalty fees for analog signals to be paid by
satellite carriers under the satellite carrier compulsory license. The voluntary
negotiation period begins December 30, 2004, and concludes on January 10,
2005. For
further information, click

Dec. 30 |
Beginning of voluntary negotiation period for the
purpose of determining royalty fees for analog signals to
be paid by satellite carriers (html)
(pdf) |
Jan. 1 |
Effective date of cost of living adjustment
in royalty rates for 17 U.S.C. 118 compulsory license (html)
(pdf) |
Jan. 1 |
Claims to 2004 DART royalty funds may be
filed online through the Copyright Office website beginning
on this date (html) (pdf) |
Jan. 10 |
Concluding date of voluntary negotiation period for
the purpose of determining royalty fees for analog signals
to be paid by satellite carriers (html)
(pdf) |
Jan. 10 |
Effective date of new hours of public access to the
Records Maintenance Unit of the Copyright Office (html)
(pdf) |
Jan. 27 |
Effective date of final rule concerning reconsideration
procedures (html) (pdf) |
Feb. 28 |
Claims to the 2004 DART royalty funds must be received
in the Copyright Office by 5 p.m. on this date (html) (pdf) |

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