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Issue 225 - March 15, 2004 |
On April 1, 2004, the Register of Copyrights and other top Copyright Office officials will participate in a continuing legal education program in New York City called "The Copyright Office Comes to New York." Sponsored by the New York State Bar Association Intellectual Property Law Section, the program will take place at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y., from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The program includes panels on Current Copyright Law and Policy Activities of the Copyright Office, the DMCA after 5 Years, the Litigation Year in Review, Legislative Activity in the 108th Congress, and Copyright Registration: Issues for Practioners and Copyright Owners. Speakers include the Register of Copyrights, the Copyright Office General Counsel, the Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs, and the Assistant Chief of the Examining Division, as well as speakers from the staff of the House Judiciary Committee, academia, private practice, and industry. Participants may earn MCLE credits. For further information, click here.

Mar. 24: |
Deadline for comments on proposed rule regarding legal processes - 69 FR 8120 (html) (pdf) |
Mar. 29: |
Deadline for receipt of comments on final rule regarding "best edition" for deposit of motion pictures - 69 FR 8821 (html) (pdf) |
Apr. 1: |
Copyright Office Comes to New York |
Apr. 12: |
Effective date of interim regulations specifying notice and recordkeeping requirements for the use of sound recordings under the section 114 and section 112 licenses - 69 FR 11515 (html) (pdf) |
Apr. 12: |
Due date for comments on proposal to amend regulations governing content and service of certain notices on copyright owner of a musical work - 69 FR 11566 (html) (pdf) |
Apr. 26: |
Effective date of rule amending "best edition" requirements for deposit of motion pictures - 69 FR 8821 (html) (pdf) |

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