Statement of Jule L. Sigall
Associate Register
Policy & International Affairs
before the Subcommittee on Courts,
the Internet, and Intellectual Property,
Committee on the Judiciary
United States House of Representatives
109th Congress, 2nd Session
March 8, 2006
The Copyright Office’s Report on Orphan Works
Chairman Smith,
Ranking Member Berman, and Members of the Subcommittee, I am
pleased to appear before you on behalf of the Copyright Office
to testify about our Report on Orphan Works,
published in January of this year. In this testimony,
we provide a description of the orphan works issue and the
contents of the Report, as well as a discussion of some of
the reactions to the Report we have received from interested
parties since its publication.
By and large the reaction has been quite positive. A
broad and diverse array of interests from both copyright owner
and user communities including book publishers, authors, libraries,
archives, museums, motion picture studios, record companies,
educational institutions, documentary filmmakers and others agree
with the Copyright Office’s conclusion that the orphan
works issue is real and needs to be addressed, and they also
agree in basic concept and structure with the legislative solution
proposed by the Report. Some of these groups have made
constructive suggestions for changes to specific provisions of
our proposal, and we are confident that issues raised by these
comments can be resolved with further discussion among the interested
Some individual authors and creators, however,
primarily in the photography and visual image industries, are
opposed to our effort to solve the orphan works problem, despite
the fact that the proposal does not remove copyright for orphan
works, and requires, in most cases, that the user pay the copyright
owner reasonable compensation for the use of the work. Their
concerns stem mostly from the fact that legal action to enforce
their copyrights is expensive, often prohibitively so. As
described below and in the Report, the enforcement problems faced
by these creators are real and should be addressed, but they
exist whether or not orphan works legislation is passed. As
a result, these concerns do not justify any delay in addressing
the orphan works problem. In fact, enactment of orphan
works legislation may be the catalyst necessary to prompt the
non-legal, marketplace reforms that will most efficiently address
the problems identified by photographers and creators of visual
I. Description
of the Report
A. Introduction
and Background
The Report addresses the important issue of “orphan
works,” a term used to describe the situation where the
owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located
by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that
requires permission of the copyright owner. Even where
the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner,
if the owner is not found, the user faces uncertainty – she
cannot determine whether or under what conditions the owner would
permit use. Where the proposed use goes beyond an exemption
or limitation to copyright, the user cannot reduce the risk of
copyright liability for such use, because there is always a possibility,
however remote, that a copyright owner could bring an infringement
action after that use has begun.
Concerns have been raised that in such a situation,
a productive and beneficial use of the work is forestalled – not
because the copyright owner has asserted his exclusive rights
in the work, or because the user and owner cannot agree on the
terms of a license – but merely because the user cannot
locate the owner. Many users of copyrighted works have
indicated that the risk of liability for copyright infringement,
however remote, is enough to prompt them not to make use of the
work. Such an outcome is not in the public interest, particularly
where the copyright owner is not locatable because he no longer
exists or otherwise does not care to restrain the use of his
The Copyright Office has long shared these
concerns, and considered the issue of orphan works to be worthy
of further study. The Office was pleased that in January
2005, Chairman Smith and Mr. Berman expressed interest in the
issue and supported the request from Senators Orrin Hatch and
Patrick Leahy to study the orphan works issue in detail, and
to provide a report with the Office’s recommendations.
After that request, in January 2005, the Office
issued a Notice of Inquiry initiating this study. We received
over 850 written initial and reply comments from the public,
and held three days of roundtable discussions in late July in
D.C. and
California. The Office subsequently met informally with
various organizations separately, in a effort to explore more
specific issues raised in the comments and roundtables; they
were also invited to further express their individual concerns. Our
Report is the culmination of those efforts.
II. Description
of Orphan Works Situations
Section III of the Report catalogs and organizes
the various situations described in the comments as “orphan
work” situations. The written initial and reply comments,
most of which were authored by individuals, described an enormous
variety of problems and proposed uses. It is difficult,
however, to quantify the extent and scope of the orphan works
problems from these comments, for several reasons. First,
about 40% of the comments do not identify an instance in which
someone could not locate a copyright owner, and another significant
portion identified situations that were clearly not orphan work
situations. Still, about 50% of the comments identified
a situation that could fairly be categorized as an orphan works
situation, and even more instances were collected in comments
filed by trade associations and other groups. Thus, there
is good evidence that the orphan works problem is real and warrants
attention, and none of the commenters made any serious argument
questioning that conclusion.
The Report describes the most common obstacles
to successfully identifying and locating the copyright owner,
such as (1) inadequate identifying information on a copy of the
work itself; (2) inadequate information about copyright ownership
because of a change of ownership or a change in the circumstances
of the owner; (3) limitations of existing copyright ownership
information sources; and (4) difficulties researching copyright
information. It
then describes other situations raised by commenters that were
alleged to be “orphan work” situations but upon closer
inspection were outside the scope of the inquiry. These
included situations where the user contacted the owner, but did
not receive permission to use the work, either because the owner
did not respond to the request, refused the request, or required
a license fee that the user felt was too high. Other such
problems included general difficulties determining the status
of copyright protection for a given work, and problems related
to the legal protection accorded pre-1972 sound recordings.
Finally, the Report catalogs the proposed
uses that the commenters indicated were most affected by the
orphan works situations. In our view these uses fall into
one of four general categories: (1) uses by subsequent creators
who add some degree of their own expression to existing works
to create a derivative work; (2) large-scale “access” uses
where users primarily wish to bring large quantities of works
to the public, usually via the Internet; (3) “enthusiast” or
hobbyist uses, which usually involve specialized or niche works,
and also appear frequently to involve posting works on the Internet;
and (4) private uses among a limited number of people.
III. Legal Background
Section IV of the Report provides the legal
backdrop for consideration of the orphan works issue. First,
it sets out the historical factors that affect the orphan works
problem by describing how the issue is, in some respects, a result
of the omnibus revision to the Copyright Act in 1976. Specifically,
the 1976 Act made obtaining and maintaining copyright protection
substantially easier than the 1909 Act. Copyrighted works
are protected the moment they are fixed in a tangible medium
of expression, and do not need to be registered with the Copyright
Office. Also,
the 1976 Act changed the basic term of copyright from a term
of fixed years from publication to a term of life of the author
plus 50 (now 70) years. In so doing, the requirement that
a copyright owner file a renewal registration in the 28th year
of the term of copyright was essentially eliminated.
These changes were important steps toward
United States
assumption of a more prominent role in the international copyright
community, specifically through accession to the Berne Convention,
which prohibits formalities like registration and renewal as
a condition on the enjoyment and exercise of copyright. Moreover, there was substantial evidence
presented during consideration of the 1976 Act that the formalities
such as renewal and notice, when combined with drastic penalties
like forfeiture of copyright, served as a “trap for the
unwary” and caused the loss of many valuable copyrights. These
changes, however, exacerbate the orphan works issue, in that
a user generally must assume that a work he wishes to use is
subject to copyright protection, and often cannot confirm whether
a work has fallen into the public domain by consulting the registration
records of the Copyright Office.
Section IV of the Report then goes on to describe
existing provisions of copyright law that might address the orphan
works situation in certain circumstances. While
copyright law does not contain an omnibus provision addressing
all orphan works as such, it does contain a few provisions that
permit certain users to make certain uses of certain classes
of orphan works, and other provisions that reduce the risk in
using an orphan work. These provisions include section
108(h), section 115(b), section 504(c)(2), and the termination
provisions (sections 203, 304(c), and 304(d)). These existing
sections provide models that may be useful in the development
of an omnibus orphan works provision.
This discussion demonstrates that the current
Copyright Act does not contain provision designed to address
the orphan works situation that is the subject of the Report. While
some provisions, like section 108(h), might address the question
for some users in certain situations, in general a user faced
with an orphan works situation will not find a specific section
or other provision of the Act on which he might rely to make
use of the work.
Nevertheless, we believe that the focus on
developing legislative text to address orphan works should not
obscure the fact that the Copyright Act and the marketplace for
copyrighted works provide several alternatives to a user who
is frustrated by the orphan works situation. Indeed, assessing
whether the situations described to use in the comments were
true “orphan works” situations was difficult, in
part because there is often more than meets the eye in a circumstance
presented as an “orphan works” problem.
For purposes of developing a legislative solution
we have defined the “orphan works” situation to be
one where the use goes beyond any limitation or exemption to
copyright, such as fair use. However, in practice, most
cases will not be so neatly defined, and a user may have a real
choice among several alternatives that allow her to go forward
with her project: making noninfringing use of the work,
such as by copying only elements not covered by copyright; making
fair use; seeking a substitute work for which she has permission
to use; or a combination of these alternatives. Indeed,
evidence presented to us indicates that users in the orphan works
situation make exactly these types of choices. Section
IV of the Report describes some of those alternatives and how
they might be applicable to different scenarios described in
the comments.
Finally, Section IV of the Report sets out
the international law context for consideration of an orphan
works solution. Specifically, it describes the obligations
that the various international copyright treaties impose on the
United States with respect to imposition of formalities to copyright,
limitations and exceptions to copyright and copyright remedies.
IV. Description of Proposed
Numerous comments received in the orphan works
proceeding proposed solutions to the orphan works problem, and
Section V of the Report catalogs and describes them. These solutions
can be grouped into four categories:
- Solutions
that already exist under current law and practice. These
were usually noted only in passing; commenters (even
commenters opposed to any orphan works provision) did not take
the position that the existing law is sufficient to solve the
orphan works problem.5
- Non-legislative
solutions. An example of a solution in this
category is a proposal for improved databases for locating
owners of works. These solutions were also usually noted
only in passing, and were not advanced as sufficient to fix
the problem.6
- Legislative
solutions that involve a limitation on remedies when a user
uses an orphan work. The most substantive comments
fell into this category, and most of the comments by professional
organizations or academics fell into this category.7
- Other
legislative solutions. Examples of proposed solutions
in this category are deeming all orphaned works to be in the
public domain, or changing the tax or bankruptcy codes to reduce
the factors that cause orphan works to come into existence
in the first place.8
As explained in Section V, most of the comments
focused on various aspects of the third category, legislative
proposals involving a limitation on remedies. Almost every
commenter who advocated a limitation-on-remedies system agreed
that a fundamental requirement for designation of a work as orphaned
is that the prospective user have conducted a search for the
owner of the work, and that the search results in the owner not
being located. The commenters differed in the types of
searches they would consider adequate.
Many commenters were in favor of determining
whether a search was reasonable on an “ad hoc” or
case-by-case basis, whereby each search is evaluated according
to its circumstances. This approach was offered as having
the advantage of flexibility to cover the wide variety of situations
that depend on the type of work and type of use involved. Several
others were in favor of a “formal” approach, whereby
the copyright owner is required to maintain his contact information
in a centralized location, and a user need only search those
centralized locations to perform a reasonable search. That
approach was offered as being more certain than the “ad
hoc” approach.
The commenters also discussed the role that
registries would play in an orphan works system. Some proposed
a mandatory registry for owner information, which was opposed
by several commenters as reinstating the problematic features
of the pre-1976 copyright law, and might violate international
obligations related to formalities. Many commenters expressed
support for voluntary registries of owner information that could
be consulted by users in performing their reasonable searches. Some
copyright owners expressed concern about even voluntary registries
as not offering much efficiency in certain cases, such as photographs. Some
commenters proposed that user registries be established in which
a user would file a notice that he intends to use a work for
which he cannot locate an owner. Both voluntary and mandatory
user registries were proposed. Concerns were raised as
to whether user registries were unnecessarily burdensome on owners,
who might have to consult the registry frequently to monitor
use of their copyrights.
Other issues discussed by the commenters and
described in Section V include whether the orphan works system
should be limited based on the age of the work, on whether the
work is unpublished, and on whether the work is of foreign origin. Many
commenters expressed the view that none of these characteristics
should disqualify any particular work; rather, these aspects
of a work should be considered in the determination of whether
the search for the owner was reasonable. Some commenters
also proposed that the use of orphan works be limited to non-profit
educational or cultural institutions.
Once a work has been designated as an orphan
work, several comments addressed whether the user would have
to pay any fees for the use of the work. A common suggestion
was that the user be obligated to pay a reasonable license fee
if the copyright owner surfaced after use began. Others
proposed a low fixed statutory fee, such as $100 per work used,
and another suggestion was the actual damages caused by the use
be limited by a low statutory cap. Some participants favored
the use of an escrow that users would pay into upon use of the
orphan work, with that money distributed to owners if they surfaced.
If an owner does appear and claim infringement,
most commenters agreed that some limitation on the remedies for
infringement is essential to enabling the use of the work. Most
agreed that statutory damages and attorneys fees should not be
available, because those remedies create the most uncertainty
in the minds of users. With respect to injunctive relief,
many commenters proposed that the orphan work user be permitted
to continue the use he had been making before the owner surfaced,
but that new uses of the work remain subject to injunction and
full copyright remedies.
V. Conclusions
and Recommendations
Section VI of the Report contains the Copyright
Office’s conclusions and recommendations.9 Our conclusions are:
- The
orphan works problem is real.
- The
orphan works problem is elusive to quantify and describe comprehensively.
- Some
orphan works situations may be addressed by existing copyright
law, but many are not.
- Legislation
is necessary to provide a meaningful solution to the orphan works
problem as we know it today.
The Report recommends that the orphan works
issue be addressed by an amendment to the Copyright Act’s
remedies section. The specific language we recommend is
provided at the end of the Report.10
In considering the orphan works issue and
potential solutions, the Office has kept in mind three overarching
and related goals. First, any system to deal with orphan
works should seek primarily to make it more likely that a user
can find the relevant owner in the first instance, and negotiate
a voluntary agreement over permission and payment, if appropriate,
for the intended use of the work. Second, where the user
cannot identify and locate the copyright owner after a reasonably
diligent search, then the system should permit that specific
user to make use of the work, subject to provisions that would
resolve issues that might arise if the owner surfaces after the
use has commenced. In the roundtable discussions, there
seemed to be a clear consensus that these two goals were appropriate
objectives in addressing the orphan works issues. Finally,
efficiency is another overarching consideration we have attempted
to reflect, in that we believe our proposed orphan works solution
is the least burdensome on all the relevant stakeholders, such
as copyright owners, users and the federal government.
The proposed amendment follows the core concept
that many commenters favored as a solution to the orphan works
problem: if the user has performed a reasonably diligent
search for the copyright owner but is unable to locate that owner,
then that user should enjoy the benefit of limitations on the
remedies that a copyright owner could obtain against him if the
owner showed up at a later date and sued for infringement. The
recommendation has two main components:
- the
threshold requirements of a reasonably diligent search for the
copyright owner and attribution to the author and copyright owner;
- the
limitation of remedies that would be available if the user proves
that he conducted a reasonably diligent search.
The details of the recommendation are set
out in Section VI, followed by a discussion of some other proposals
that we considered carefully, but ultimately decided not to recommend.11
A. The
Reasonably Diligent Search Requirement
Subsection (a) sets out the basic qualification
the user of the orphan work must meet – he must perform
a “reasonably diligent search”
and have been unable to locate the owner of the copyright in
the work. Such a search must be completed before the use
of the work that constitutes infringement begins. The user
has the burden of proving the search that was performed and that
it was reasonable, and each user must perform a search, although
it may be reasonable under the circumstances for one user to
rely in part on the search efforts of another user.
Several commenters complained of the situation
where a user identifies and locates the owner and tries to contact
the owner for permission, but receives no response from the owner. They
suggested that works in these situations should be considered
orphan works. We have concluded that such a solution is
not warranted, as it touches upon some fundamental principles
of copyright, namely, the right of an author or owner to say
no to a particular permission request, including the right to
ignore permission requests. For this reason, once an owner
is located, the orphan works provision becomes inapplicable.
The proposal adopts a very general standard
for reasonably diligent search that will have to be applied on
a case-by-case basis, accounting for all of the circumstances
of the particular use. Such a standard is needed because
of the wide variety of works and uses identified as being potentially
subject to the orphan works issues, from an untitled photograph
to an old magazine advertisement to an out-of-print novel to
an antique postcard to an obsolete computer program. It
was not possible for our Report to craft a standard that could
be specific to all or even many of these circumstances. Moreover,
the resources, techniques and technologies used to investigate
the status of a work also differ among industry sectors and change
over time, making it hard to specify the steps a user must take
with any particularity.
Section VI contains a discussion of several
factors that commenters identified as being relevant to the reasonableness
of a search, including:
amount of identifying information on the copy of the work itself,
such as an author’s name, copyright notice, or title;
the work had been made available to the public;
age of the work, or the dates on which it was created and made
available to the public;
information about the work can be found in publicly available
records, such as the Copyright Office records or other resources;
the author is still alive, or the corporate copyright owner still
exists, and whether a record of any transfer of the copyright
exists and is available to the user; and
nature and extent of the use, such as whether the use is commercial
or noncommercial, and how prominently the work figures into the
activity of the user.
Importantly, our recommendation does not exclude
any particular type of work from its scope, such as unpublished
works or foreign works. Section VI explains why we believe
that unpublished works should not be excluded from this recommendation,
and how the unpublished nature of a work might figure into a
reasonable search determination.
Our recommendation permits, and we encourage,
interested parties to develop guidelines for searches in different
industry sectors and for different types of works. Most
commentators were supportive of voluntary development of such
guidelines. When asked whether the Copyright Office should
have authority to embody guidelines in more formal, binding regulations
to provide certainty, we were surprised to hear that most user
groups – whom we thought would desire more certain rules
for searches – opposed the Copyright Office issuing rules
related to search criteria. Based on our desire to maintain
flexibility in the reasonable search standard and this expressed
opposition to formal rulemaking, we have not proposed that the
orphan works legislation provide the Office with any rulemaking
B. The
Attribution Requirement
We also recommend one other threshold requirement
for a user to qualify for the orphan works limitations on remedies: throughout
the use of the work, the user must provide attribution to the
author and copyright owner of the work if such attribution is
possible and as is reasonably appropriate under the circumstances. The
idea is that the user, in the course of using a work for which
he has not received explicit permission, should make it clear
to the public that the work is the product of another author,
and that the copyright in the work is owned by another. While
only a handful of commenters proposed a requirement along these
lines, we found several good reasons to support this requirement,
described in Section VI, including the notion that attribution
is critically important to authors, even those who consent to
free use of their works. The requirement of attribution
should be a flexible rule, and should not be interpreted in a
strict way to create unnecessarily another obstacle to the use
of orphan works.
C. Other
Alternatives Considered
There were two other mechanisms proposed to
help address the orphan works issue that we considered but ultimately
concluded would not be appropriate to recommend at this time. First,
as noted above, some commenters suggested that users should be
required to file with the Copyright Office some public notice
that they have conducted a reasonable search and intend to use
an orphan work. While a centralized registry of user certifications
or notice of intent to use sounds promising on the surface, upon
closer examination there are potential pitfalls that outweigh
the benefits at this time, for reasons that we describe in Section
The other mechanism proposed by some commenters
is a requirement that orphan works users pay into an escrow before
commencing use. In our view, an escrow requirement in an “ad
hoc” reasonable search system like we recommend would be
highly inefficient. Every user would be required to make
payment, but in the vast majority of cases, no copyright owner
would resurface to claim the funds, which means the system would
not in most cases actually facilitate payments between owners
and users of orphan works. We are sympathetic to the concerns
of individual authors about the high cost of litigation and how,
in many cases, the individual creator may have little practical
recourse in obtaining relief through the court system. We
believe that consideration of new procedures to address this
situation, such as establishment of a “small claims” or
other inexpensive dispute resolution procedure, would be an important
issue for further study by Congress.
D. Limitation
on Remedies
If a user meets his burden of demonstrating
that he performed a reasonably diligent search and provided reasonable
attribution to the author and copyright owner, then the recommended
amendment would limit the remedies available in that infringement
action in two primary ways: First, it would limit monetary
relief to only reasonable compensation for the use, with an elimination
of any monetary relief where the use was noncommercial and the
user ceases the infringement expeditiously upon notice. Second,
the proposal would limit the ability of the copyright owner to
obtain full injunctive relief in cases where the user has transformed
the orphan work into a derivative work like a motion picture
or book, preserving the user’s ability to continue to exploit
that derivative work. In all other cases, the court would
be instructed to minimize the harm to the user that an injunction
might impose, to protect the user’s interests in relying
on the orphan works provision in making use of the work.
1. Monetary
A vast majority of the commenters in our study
agreed that the prospect of a large monetary award from an infringement
claim, such as an award of statutory damages and attorneys’ fees,
was a substantial deterrent to users who wanted to make use of
an orphan work, even where the likelihood of a claim being brought
was extremely low. Most of the proposals for addressing
the orphan works problem called for clear limitations on the
statutory damages and attorneys’ fees remedies in cases
involving orphan works. Our recommendation follows this
suggestion by limiting the possible monetary relief in these
cases to only “reasonable compensation,” which is
intended to represent the amount the user would have paid to
the owner had they engaged in negotiations before the infringing
use commenced. In most cases it would equal a reasonable
license fee, as that concept is discussed in recent copyright
case law.
While many commenters supported a general
remedy like
“reasonable compensation,” some expressed concern
about the impact that any monetary remedy at all might
have on their ability to go forward and use orphan works. For
example, museum representatives explained that they would like
to use hundreds or even thousands of orphan works in their collections,
so the potential of even a minimal monetary award for each work,
would, in their view, be prohibitive. Libraries and archives
made similar observations, noting their desire to make large
collections of orphan works accessible.
In our view, a general standard of reasonable
compensation is the right solution to this problem, for several
reasons. First, with respect to the concern about a chilling
effect of any monetary remedy, it must be noted that in nearly
all cases where a diligent search has been performed, the likelihood
of a copyright owner resurfacing should be very low, so that
no claim for compensation is ever made. Second, it should
be clear that
“reasonable compensation” may, in appropriate circumstances,
be found to be zero, or a royalty-free license, if the comparable
transactions in the marketplace support such a finding. Our
discussions with museums, universities and libraries indicated
that in many orphan works situations a low or zero royalty is
likely to be the reasonable compensation.
In addition, to make absolutely sure that
the concerns of nonprofit institutions like libraries, museums
and universities about monetary relief are assuaged, we recommend
an additional limitation on monetary relief where the user is
making a non-commercial use of the work and expeditiously ceases
the infringement after receiving notice of the infringement claim. In
that case, there should be no monetary relief at all. Libraries,
archives and museums indicated that posting material on the Internet
was a primary use they would like to make of orphan works, and
that they would take down any material if a copyright owner resurfaced. This
additional provision provides certainty about their exposure
in that circumstance. If the organization wishes to continue
making use of the work, it would have to pay reasonable compensation
for its past use, and, as described below, for future use of
the work.
2. Injunctive
In addition to the limits on monetary relief,
several commenters in this proceeding suggested that limitations
on injunctive relief were needed as well. Most specifically,
users who would like to create derivative works based on orphan
works, most notably filmmakers and book publishers, stressed
that the fear of an untimely injunction – brought just
as the book was heading to stores, or just before release of
the film – provides enough uncertainty that many choose
not use the work, even though the likelihood of such injunction
is small.
In light of these comments, we recommend that
injunctive relief for infringement of an orphan work be limited
in two ways. First, where the orphan work has been incorporated
into a derivative work that also includes significant expression
of the user, then injunctive relief will not be available to
stop the use of the derivative work, provided the user pays reasonable
compensation to the copyright owner. Second, in all other
cases, full injunctive relief is available, but the court must
account for and accommodate any reliance interest of the user
that might be harmed by an injunction. For example a full
injunction will still be available where a user simply republishes
an orphan work, or posts it on the Internet without transformation
of the content.
E. Administrative
We also recommend two other administrative
provisions. First, a savings clause that makes clear that
nothing in the new section on orphan works affects rights and
limitations to copyright elsewhere in the Copyright Act, which
is consistent with the structural approach of placing the provision
in the remedies chapter. Second, we recommend that the
provision sunset after ten years, which will allow Congress to
examine whether and how the orphan works provision is working
in practice, and whether any changes are needed.
F. International
The Notice of Inquiry asked questions about
how any proposed solution to the orphan works issue would comport
with the
United States
international obligations in the various copyright treaties. Our
recommendation does not exclude foreign works from its scope,
so it must comport with the
United States
’ international copyright obligations. We believe
that one of the primary advantages of the ad hoc, reasonably
diligent search approach is that it is fully compliant with international
G. Application
to Types of Uses
To further explain how our recommendation
would work in practice, Section VI takes the four general categories
of users described in Section III and describes how the recommended
limitation on remedies would apply in each scenario.12 The Section describes how the Subsequent Creator,
Large-Scale Access User, Enthusiast User and Personal User would
proceed under the recommendation. We believe that nearly
all orphan work situations are encompassed by one of those four
categories, so that if our recommendation resolves these users’ concerns
in a satisfactory way, it will likely be a comprehensive solution
to the orphan works situation.
VI. Reactions to the Report
The reactions we have heard to our Report,
for the most part, have been overwhelmingly positive. A
broad array of copyright owners and copyright users: book
publishers, libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions,
record companies, motion picture studios, independent filmmakers,
software publishers and others, have praised the Report and support
the basic concept and structure of the proposed legislation. Several
of these groups have pointed out specific features of our recommendation
that might create unintended consequences, or suggested modifications
to the language to address specific concerns.
In this section of the testimony, we comment
on some of these reactions and suggestions. As noted in
the Report, we proposed specific legislative language to help
clarify our conclusions and recommendations by giving interested
parties a more concrete understanding of what our conclusions
entail. We also recognized that interested parties might
have suggested revisions that would improve the clarity of the
text or avoid unintended consequences of the language that we
proposed.13 In other words, we recognize that our proposal
is likely a starting point for legislation to address orphan
works, and would be pleased to work with the Committee, its staff
and interested parties on modifying that language. In general,
however, these groups are supportive of the overall approach,
and the proposed changes are issues that very likely can be resolved
with further discussion, and which will result in compromise
draft legislation supported by the vast majority of copyright
owner and user interests.
A. The
Problem of Photographs and Other Visual Images
The one exception to the broad support for
our proposed legislation involves certain groups representing
individual copyright owners of visual works, such as photographers,
illustrators, and graphic artists. They oppose our proposal,
which was not unexpected, as many of them filed comments in our
proceeding recommending that no change be made to the law to
address the orphan works problem. They argue that many,
if not most, of their works will be inaccurately labeled orphan
works, because it is difficult and often impossible to find the
copyright owner of a visual image, usually because the name of
the creator is not on the copies of the works distributed to
the public. Moreover, existing sources of ownership information
are text-based and often not useful if the user only has the
work, and not any other information about the work, before him.
In other words, these groups concede the very
problem that is at the heart of the Report – a user seeking
to locate a photographer or illustrator of an image that has
no identifying information on the work itself faces a daunting
challenge. The Copyright Office registration records are
text-based, and in most cases registration records do not contain
much, if any, description of the subject matter of the image. Indeed,
efforts by the Office to accommodate photographers by making
it easier to register photographs (e.g., the recent regulations
permitting group registration of published photographs), while
responding to complaints from photographers about the difficulties
they have had in registering their works, have probably made
the registration system less useful for determining copyright
ownership of particular photographs. So even if a photographer
has registered his works with the Copyright Office, it may be
the case that a user will not be able locate that owner.
Our proposal anticipates and provides safeguards
for this situation in a number of ways, primarily by preserving
meaningful remedies for owners of works that might be subject
to the orphan works legislation. First, in most cases,
including all commercial uses, the user of an orphan work is
obligated to pay the copyright owner “reasonable compensation” for
the use prior to the time the owner resurfaces. Also, the
user will not generally not be able to continue making the use
after the owner asserts his copyright, unless the user meets
the requirements of Section 514(b)(2)(A), and even in that case
will be required to pay reasonable compensation to the owner
going forward. And in order for noncommercial users to
avoid the requirement of reasonable compensation, they must cease
the infringement expeditiously after the owner assert his rights,
thus preserving future exploitation to the owner’s exclusive
Despite being entitled to “reasonable
compensation” and these remedies in most orphan work cases,
photographers oppose the proposal because they claim that bringing
a lawsuit to collect this compensation will be prohibitively
expensive. We agree that legal actions to enforce
copyrights in visual images are expensive for individual creators,
just as any access to our court system is costly. However,
this problem exists for copyrighted visual images regardless
of whether orphan works legislation is passed or not. Moreover,
there are non-legal actions that the photographers, illustrators
and similar creators can take to enforce and exploit their copyrights,
and at the same time, help eliminate the possibility that their
works would fall into the orphan works system.
As a practical matter, a marketplace of licenses
and permissions for use of photographs simply cannot exist where
potential buyers cannot find the sellers of rights in visual
images. Creators of visual images need to address the problem
first and foremost, and primarily through non-legal actions – through
more consistent marking of copies of their works, through development
of mechanisms like collective licensing organizations that can
provide ownership and licensing information to users, and by
deploying technology to allow searches for owners where the user
only has the image and no contextual information. Steps
like these will help individual owners enforce and receive payment
for their copyrighted images, and, at the same time, ensure that
they are locatable and that their works do not become orphan
works. It is important that any legislative solution to
address orphan works include photographs and other visual images
within its scope to resolve the numerous orphan works problems
that exist with these types of works. Moreover, failing
to include such works in the scope of the legislation would likely
allow visual image copyright owners to avoid resolving these
more fundamental problems with non-legal, marketplace reforms.
As to the legal actions that individual creators
can take to enforce their rights, our Report acknowledges the
real obstacle faced by photographers and other individual copyright
owners from the expense of infringement lawsuits. We agree
that a more efficient dispute resolution procedure, such as a “small
claims” procedure for copyright infringement claims involving
relatively small damage amounts, would offer individual owners
better access to legal protection of their rights. Such
a procedure would also allow these owners to obtain the “reasonable
compensation” they would be due under our orphan works
proposal even if their works fall into the orphan category. We
would be pleased to work with the Subcommittee and interested
parties in exploring possible new procedures. It should
be noted, however, that the key to creating a more efficient
marketplace for copyrighted visual images is not increased litigation,
but making it easier for owners and users to find each other,
which our orphan works proposal encourages.
In sum, we understand the concerns of photographers
and other visual image creators. They face difficulties
exploiting their copyright, particularly in light of new technology
like the Internet, and solutions to those problems, both legal
and non-legal, should be explored and developed. That fact,
however, does not deny that there is a very real problem of orphan
works that needs to be addressed, and those issues should not
delay Congress in its consideration and enactment of orphan works
B. Other
Comments and Suggestions
The other comments and suggestions we have
received concern specific provisions in the Report’s proposed
language. First, some groups remain concerned that a general
standard of “reasonable compensation” might result
in high damage awards that would discourage use of orphan works. For
reasons set out in the Report, we think this concern is unfounded,
particularly in light of the exception that limits monetary relief
to no compensation where the use is noncommercial and the user
ceases the infringement when the owner resurfaces.
One suggestion made to address this issue
is for the statute to define “reasonable compensation” with
language from the Report that specifies that it “would
equal what a reasonable willing buyer and reasonable willing
seller in the positions of the owner and user would have agreed
to at the time the use commenced, based predominantly by reference
to evidence of comparable marketplace transactions.”14 We agree that including language like this in
the legislation would be a helpful clarification. We also
believe that legislative history providing examples of how reasonable
compensation would be determined in different circumstances would
also be helpful.
On the related question of whether the orphan
work user’s activity is done “without direct or indirect
commercial advantage,” which would make that user potentially
eligible for no monetary relief, our Report attempts to recognize
that some non-profit organizations engage in different types
of activity, some of which is commercial and some non-commercial. Museums
and other nonprofit organizations have asserted that their activities
involving the sale of books or other items using copyrighted
materials are simply a matter of “cost recovery” and
should not be considered commercial for the purposes of our proposal. We
cannot accept that proposition categorically, especially where
the institution has paid other located copyright owners for the
use of their works in the same book or product that contains
the orphan work. Nevertheless, we agree the drawing lines
between situations is difficult, and look forward to working
with museums and others on illustrative examples that can be
used in the legislative history to help draw those lines.
Second, some groups have expressed concern
with our requirement that the orphan work user attribute the
author and copyright owner during their use of the work. Specifically,
museums and others have said that determining the copyright owner,
as opposed to the author, is often difficult and confusing, and
therefore it should not be required. In our view, however,
as the Report explains, attributing the copyright owner, if possible,
is an important piece of information that other users and the
public should be able to learn from the orphan work user. It
also will increase the likelihood that the owner will surface
after use begins and voluntary agreement over the use can be
reached. If the user is unsure of who owns the copyright,
then it may not be possible for him to attribute the copyright
owner. Also, the manner of attribution should be determined
as is reasonable under the circumstances. These two considerations,
embodied in our proposal, account for the concerns expressed
about attributing the copyright owner, and thus it should remain
a requirement.
Third, with respect to injunctive relief provision
of proposed Section 514(b)(2)(A), some have expressed concern
about what types of works would be included in that provision. Specifically,
some are concerned that the use of the term “derivative
work” might not be broad enough to encompass works that
our Report explains should be included – the historical
book which includes photographs or the inclusion of a sculpture
in a scene of a motion picture – because these works do
not necessarily “transform” or alter the underlying
orphan work. As we note in the Report, the concept behind
this provision – with which we have not heard disagreement – was
to capture the situation where the user creates a new work that
relies to a significant extent on the underlying orphan work,
as contrasted with the situation where the user merely republishes
the orphan work, either alone or as part of a compilation. We
agree that the language in this section could be more clear,
and would be pleased to work with interested parties on ways
it could be amended to better reflect the concept that underlies
Fourth, several groups have expressed concerned
about the sunset provision, and have questioned how it applies
where a use begins before the 10-year period is over but continues
afterward. It was our intent to allow any user who begins
use in reliance on the proposed Section 514 before the 10-year
period is over to be able to benefit from the provision, even
after the 10-year period ends. Changing the word “occurring” to
“commencing” would help make that clear, and we would
be pleased to discuss further changes to clarify this point. As
to whether a sunset provision is appropriate, it is likely that
at least some minor — and perhaps some major — adjustments
to the orphan works legislation will be advisable after we have
had a few years' worth of experience with it.15 We certainly do not believe that the provisions
of the orphan works legislation should actually expire. But
without a sunset provision, it may be difficult to persuade a
future Congress to modify the existing legislation if it is deemed
to be "good enough." Requiring reauthorization
after a reasonable number of years will ensure that Congress
will, as a practical matter, have little choice but to ask itself
at that point whether and how the existing regime can be improved.
As noted above, we would be pleased to work
with the Committee, its staff and the interested parties on these
or any other issues related to our proposal. We have been
greatly encouraged by the generally positive reaction so far,
and hope that balanced, comprehensive and effective legislation
to address this important issue can be introduced and enacted
in the near future.